Dune Grass Planting

Stone Harbor is actively planting dune grass on the restored dunes between 92nd and 111th Streets.  The grass holds the sand in place and allows the dunes to build up naturally over time.

I watched the crew yesterday: one man operated a  power tool to dig the holes, while others followed behind with stalks of grass. Very efficient system.

My own personal experience of planting dune grass is a bit different.  In the late 1960s,  a local man established a plan for regular dune grass plantings in Avalon.  Mr. Fenton Groff  lived near the beach in the south end, and understood the value of preserving the dunes.

The students at Avalon Elementary participated…with the lure of free hot dogs!  We worked for 3 or 4 hours on Saturday morning, and then returned to the school cafeteria (cold and very sandy) for lunch.  No fancy motorized tools way back then- we were armed with shovels and encouraged to aim for a straight line. 

Like so many events of my childhood, dune grass plantings are a fun memory- and definitely unique to life at the shore!

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