Beach Walker Report

boardwalkThe best way to judge the condition of our beaches? A simple walk.

Yesterday, I walked along the “new” sand in the north end of Avalon thanks to the recent beach fill project.  Based on survey markers, dune restoration will also occur.  The new beach is holding up great (even after a few winter storms).

South of 26th Street, the existing beach remains stable (and wide)- all the way down to the 80th Street area.

The beach narrows a bit around 81st Street (the surfing beach), but widens again a few blocks south. In March, the Stone Harbor segment of the beach fill project will begin- adding new sand from 92nd Street south through 114th Street…and again from 119th Street to the jetty south of 123rd Street.  Dune restoration is also planned in these areas.

We continue to assure prospective tenants and buyers- Avalon and Stone Harbor are definitely ready for summer 2013!




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