Stone Harbor NJ Beach Update

Starting today, pedestrian and vehicle access to Stone Harbor Point will be temporarily closed.

The Borough of Stone Harbor received a federal grant to restore wildlife habitat damaged during Sandy.

Construction vehicles will begin moving sand to build an elevated area for beach-nesting and migratory birds.  The dune will also provide storm protection for the nearby residential area.

For complete details:  Stone Harbor Point Project



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Avalon NJ Beach Update

I talked with a Borough of Avalon official regarding on going and proposed beach projects.

1) Beach paths in the southend of Avalon are being elevated to similar levels as the surrounding dunes.  There were concerns during Sandy that the paths could become a route for the ocean to flow into the street (thankfully, it didn’t happen).

2) Avalon officals are working on securing a dredge for a beach fill project for the north end of the island- hopefully coordinating with Ocean City to move the equipment after their project is completed.  The timing is up in the air, yet an early summer time frame is likely.  If scheduled, the Borough will maintain safe beach access on as many streets as possible during the beach fill.


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Summer Rentals and Property Sales

RentSighPresidents’ Day Weekend is the traditional start of our season.  Thanks to the Internet, prospective buyers and tenants can narrow down the options in advance.

Yet, many times I have shown customers a property “off their radar”, and they are pleasantly surprised when it’s a perfect fit.

Keep an open mind while searching for the ideal shore house.  And take advantage of my 35 years of real estate experience on the island.   I’m here to help!

To search for sale properties (including the MLS search):  Click here

To search for rental properties:  Click here

Thank you for your interest and referrals!  or 609-967-7950

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The sun feels warmer, the days are longer, and we experience the occasional mild day.

Yes, almost spring 🙂



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Water Views

Calm and reasonably mild earlier this morning for my walk.  Pretty reflections off the back bay adjacent to Stone Harbor Point.

Winds are howling now!  Counting down to spring…


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Don’t Be Crabby…

Only 106 days until Memorial Day weekend 🙂


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Full Moon Tonight

And we have BIG plans!

Ocean front dining at dusk while watching the moon rise.  Ahhhh…..

The actual details:  picking up sandwiches from Wawa, and then a beach ride in the Jeep 😉

Hey, now you know the answer to the age old question:  “What do you do in the winter?”


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Hello February

Almost balmy temps in comparison with recent days.  And no wind!

Other than the ice encrusted jetty…it looks like a summer day 😉


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Transfer and Rental Inspections

Both Avalon and Stone Harbor require fire safety inspections for every rental property, and prior to the transfer of ownership.

Common causes for inspection failure:

smokeDetec1) extension cords

2) smoke or carbon monoxide detectors more that 10 years old (hardwired units MUST be replaced with new hardwired units)

3) non-functioning GFI receptacles within 6′ of sinks

4) propane gas grill on the deck

Better to trouble shoot prior to the inspection and avoid re-inspection fees.

For a list of specific requirements, click here.



Posted in Avalon, New Jersey- News, Life at the Shore, Seashore Real Estate, Stone Harbor, New Jersey- News | Comments closed

Back to Normal…

Well, for January!  Flurries and sunshine this morning.  A light coating of snow.  And, it’s COLD.


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