Stormy Night Ahead

Only rain so far in Avalon and Stone Harbor, NJ.  Earlier, I checked out the inlet without getting completely drenched from the ocean spray (just a little salty!)

Will post snow pictures (??) tomorrow on Twitter.


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Beautiful Sunday Sights

Pay no attention to that weather forecast 😉  It’s a beach day!



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Winter weather at the shore is a roller coaster of temperatures and conditions.

The wind is a huge factor of course:  north west = COLD; north east = stormy/damp; south west = a winter reprieve; and south east  = a chilly spring like day.

Still worthwhile to dress accordingly…and enjoy the views!





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Snow Day

Had to hurry with the pictures…melting fast!  Made for a pretty morning walk.


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Shore House Odors

Yesterday, I previewed a totally renovated townhouse on the bay.  Custom kitchen and baths, beautiful wood floors, attractive furnishings…AND a plug in air freshener that took my breath away!

The owner may believe the scent adds to the appeal, but I assume it’s covering up a problem.   And potential buyers could have the same reaction.

dampridShore properties are closed up for long periods of time.  Plug in air fresheners (even the scented oil diffusers) are just too strong for the space.

If you want to eliminate a damp smell (after confirming it’s not caused by water issues in the crawl space or a leak), I suggest Damp Rid.

The crystals absorb moisture and remove musty smells without adding a fake, perfume odor.

Potential tenants, buyers…and their real estate agents…will appreciate the difference!








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Monday Morning Blues…and Pink


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January Walks

It’s all about the views…and multiple layers for warmth!



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Welcome to the Neighborhood

Twenty Five new Avalon, Stone Harbor property owners within the past 30 days.

salesignAs typical with our zoning, the majority of sales were single family homes.  14 total, ranging from $900,000 for a tear down on 105th Street backing up to Chelsea Place (park); to $7,000,000 (yes, that’s correct!) for an amazing custom built home on the ocean at 17th Street.  The median selling price for all single family homes:  $1,612,500.

There were 8 condo/townhouse style properties sold- ranging from $356,500 for a front unit in the 600 block of 21st Street; to $755,000 for a multi-level bay front Flagship Condominium on 81st Street.  The median selling price for all condo/townhouse units- $650,000.

2 vacant lots sold- the 100 block of 30th Street for $930,000; and the 200 block of 61st Street for $1,250,000.

1 duplex property on the 500 block of 21st Street sold for $590,000.

Plus, an additional 51 properties are sale pending.  Off to a great start for our spring market!

If you would like information regarding property values and/or activity, I am happy to help.  or   609-967-7950

Thank you for your continued interest.




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Open or Closed?

PathThis is a tough time of year.  Many island business owners take a well deserved break, and others keep the lights on for the loyal year round patrons.

There are breakfast, lunch, and dinner options (not just Wawa!)

You can still buy a bottle of wine from Fred’s, or a trash can from Seashore Ace.

And, several gift/clothing shops offer weekend hours.

See?  It’s not THAT quiet!




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Summer Rentals

RentSignA good day to think about a beach vacation!

Search our web site for ideas…and then contact me for more specifics:

Thank you for your business and referrals!


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