Observations from the Editor

yearbookYes, I was the yearbook editor in high school…the ultimate nerd!  Probably why I enjoy posting on my blog and Twitter now.

Last night, there was an informal reunion for my class at Wildwood Catholic High School.  35 years…yikes!

Interesting to listen to the conversations about grand children, retirement, and sadly, the death of several classmates.  Some had not been back to the area since graduation…and others never left.

We pulled out our drug store reading glasses to look at the pictures…and, laughed at the hair dos and clothes.

A diverse group, all leading full lives.  Sister Henrietta would be proud!

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Warming up!


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Wind Block

A bit chilly…

The cold north west wind changes my walking routine.  It’s a trade off: walking on the soft sand for the benefit of dunes blocking the wind.

Along the water’s edge for the turn around. Wind at my back, sun on my face, and an unexpected dolphin sighting!



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Fall Skies

This time of year, dramatic colors paint the sky at sunrise and sunset.

Streaks of pink, red, orange, and purple…often fading away within minutes.  Yet always with a unique “wow” factor.


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Monday Morning

A nice way to start my work day…




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Preparing for COLD

frozenpipesA “check list” time of year – preparing your shore house for colder temperatures and the WIND!

Drain the outside shower and non-frost proof faucets (FYI- most water faucets on upper decks are NOT frost proof).

Disconnect hoses from all outdoor faucets (even the frost proof type-  water in hose will freeze and cause damage to faucet).

Close crawl space vents (air flow is essential in the summer months to keep the crawl space dry- but  cold air will freeze pipes even if the house is heated).

Set the heat between 55 and 60 degrees.  Open cabinet doors under all sinks to allow warm air to circulate around pipes.

Lock all windows- especially casement style with a crank (the wind will rattle the window, allowing it to open and possibly blow out).

Secure storm doors, outside shower doors, and trash cans.

Store or secure outdoor furniture and the grill.

And then…think spring 🙂

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Planning Ahead

Thanksgiving weekend is HUGE in Avalon and Stone Harbor.  Family activities, a Christmas tree auction, music, and of course, the big parade!

Schedule of events for Avalon– click HERE

Schedule of events for Stone Harbor– click HERE

Stop by our office in Avalon on Friday, November 28th for a Power Play Realty logo gift.


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More Fall Colors

Crisp morning beach walk!


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Condominium- not a bad word

Owners of 2 unit style structures often resist the label of “condominium”.  Yet it’s the proper (and legal) term of ownership.

HarborDefinitions (used in our local real estate market):

Single family– 100% land ownership and a one family structure.  This designation applies to lot sizes large and small.

Duplex– 100% land ownership with a two family structure (one owner of the building).  If each unit is titled separately to 2 different owners, it becomes condo ownership.

Townhouse– a true townhouse has land ownership (like a city row home).  There are a few properties designated as fee simple town homes in Avalon (Golden town homes on 13th Street, 16th Street, and 80th Street for example).  The deed allocates a parcel of land specific to the structure.

Condominium– with a two unit structure (often side by side), each owner has an undivided 50% interest in the land.  A subdivision is not permitted, so the lot remains whole, and the two owners share land ownership.   Condominium documents (Master Deed and By Laws) are required and detail the shared expenses (condo fees) and basic rules.  Similar condo docs are used for larger complexes, too.   Condo fees- the master insurance policies (flood, liability, and fire) are shared 50/50. Likewise for weed control and/or landscaping.  Owners agree on any common area projects and share the cost.

Condominium– for larger buildings, the percentage of ownership may vary based on unit square footage.  Owners share expenses related to the complex, and any common amenities (elevator, pool, etc.).  The condo fees are more structured for bookkeeping purposes.

If you have any real estate questions, I am here to help!  ann@anndelaney.com




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Dark at 3:30pm??

How about a sunrise view instead!!

Wednesday copy

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