Beach Weather

Same old, same old… 😉   Enjoy the weekend!


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Thank you!

Sorry I missed one of my “blog fans” this morning. Thank you for the nice treat from your home town! Very thoughtful.

Always fun to meet blog and twitter friends in person!

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Wednesday = Day Off

Yesterday’s weather was ideal.  Pressure to REALLY enjoy my day off!

Started with bay kayaking.  Then to the beach- a wonderful cool breeze off of the ocean.  Spotted Santa (Christmas in July) saying hello to the surf campers on 81st Street.  Outdoor lunch at the Windrift. Then an evening treat from Sundae Best!  Full day 🙂



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Monday Morning

Sun has returned.  Temperatures remain moderate (especially for July)- warmer air returns this week.


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Shopping Weather

The retail shops and bars/restaurants LOVE this weather.  To me, it’s a “sit on the porch with a good book” afternoon (my plan after work!).

The forecast is back on track this week for better beach days and brilliant sunsets 🙂



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How Does This Work?

RentSighTenants arrive, unload their cars, and then try to figure out the mechanics of their vacation rental.

It would be wonderful if all property owners posted a welcome note with basic instructions for the wi-fi, electronics, thermostats, etc.  Every home is different- and most have a few quirks.  Knowing these things while settling in prevents frustration, and is a positive reflection on the home owner.

Tenants are more likely to care for a property if they feel accountable to an owner (not just an investor).

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Good Morning Saturday

Quick morning walk (with THIS view) before a busy change over day.  Have a great weekend 🙂


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Beach Sights

As seen on my Thursday morning walk:

1) The regular morning beach walkers.  Saw the “avoid eye contact at all costs” man this morning. I’ll eventually break him in, and get him to acknowledge my “Good Morning” 😉

2) The lovely sisters from Villa Maria, walking with their rosaries.

3) Surfers and dolphins.

4) AND, a man in a Speedo doing yoga…(sorry, no picture needed)



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Come to the Beach!

RentSighWe still have vacation rental properties available for summer weeks (the only exception is Arts/Crafts Show week of 8/2- 8/9).

Search our web site, and contact me to help!      609-967-7950

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Air Conditioning Tip

HVACYesterday, there was water leaking into our office.  Hard wired smoke detectors in the path of the water shorted out, and blared off and on for several hours (fun on a Saturday change over day!)

The cause?  The inside air conditioning component (the blower) for the condo above our office iced up and shut down (occupants complained earlier that the A/C stopped working).  When this happens, the ice has to melt (and drain somewhere) before the HVAC can be repaired.

Unfortunately, we see this issue every summer (with refrigerators AND air conditioning units)- especially when the humidity is high.  A tenant/visitor arrives to a property, turns on the air, and cranks down the thermostat (believing that the house will cool faster if the thermostat is set at 65 rather than 72 degrees). Much to their frustration, the unit freezes up, and shuts down.

Similar circumstances with refrigerators. The empty space is loaded with room temperature food.   The cool air escapes while the door is open.  And when it doesn’t seem cold enough a short time later, the tenant/visitor turns the dial all the way down.  Like the HVAC system, the appliance freezes up and shuts down.  Turning the dial back to a medium setting is the solution.


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