Earlier in the week, a sunset walk led to the “free bridge” at the end of Stone Harbor. I’ve kayaked UNDER this bridge, but never walked completely OVER.
As we approached the bridge tender’s hut, a man stepped out to say hello.  He explained that the bridge is manned every day from 6am to 10pm; through October.  Yet, because that section of the channel needs dredging, very few large boats travel  by. The bridge tender said he has opened the bridge just 3 times this season during his shifts.
We chatted again for a few minutes on our walk back…I think he was so happy for the company!
Sky Views
Did you stay up to watch the rocket launch last night? Â It was WAY past my bedtime…but worth it. Â I expected just a small moving light- similar to our sightings of the International Space Station. Â So I was shocked when this low flying rocket rose up behind the houses across the street, slowly crossed the sky, and then faded over the ocean. Â It was an amazing sight!
Up early this morning for the sunrise and a beach walk before work. Â Yes…a unique life 🙂