After the Rain

A beautiful sky last night after a few days of steady rain.  Much better weather today.  Have a great weekend!


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Landlord/Tenant Expectations

beachhouseI have handled vacation rentals in Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ for over 30 years- working for Diller & Fisher, Avalon Real Estate, and for the past 10 years, Power Play Realty.

In addition- I’ve had personal experience as a landlord of summer rental properties; and a tenant on numerous occasions for our family vacations.

So…I can definitely understand both sides of the landlord/tenant expectations dilemma.

Times have changed: today’s tenants are the “Pottery Barn” generation.  They want new and attractive, and at least the same amenities found in their primary home.  Internet access is expected- as are multiple flat screen TV sets.  Oh, and a pool would be nice 🙂

Rental properties need to be well equipped- even if you don’t cook at the shore, your tenants may want to entertain. Some owners provide a linen service for each rental.  This is the norm in other vacation areas, and a smart way to remain competitive.

For landlords, there can be frustration with wear and tear.  Sand in the tub…soda on the rug…marks on the walls.  All very frustrating to the conscientious property owner.

When showing sale properties during the rental change over, I often see this carelessness first hand.  It’s discouraging…and I don’t even own the home.  Thank goodness the cleaning service arrives to make it right!

Bottom line: a rental property is a business- with an ever changing business model.  The needs of the consumer dictate the success of your season.

Strategies to keep the property in good condition (cleaning supplies, cutting boards, washable slip covers, throw rugs by the doors, etc.) are important.  Look at your home objectively: items that are worn or faded appear dirty to a tenant.  Rusty cookie sheets or pots/pans should be tossed.  Make sure there are plenty of bowls, spoons, and coffee mugs.

And at the end of the season, plan on a major cleaning (floors, carpets, return vents, ceiling fans, deck furniture, outside shower, trash cans, all kitchen drawers and cabinets). Budget for replacing lost or damaged items.  And then enjoy YOUR time in the property!




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The Quiet Returns

Such a busy weekend!  Great crowds and weather.

A noticeable difference this morning- fewer cars on our street, and an almost empty beach for my early walk.

Happy Monday 🙂


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Both Avalon and Stone Harbor rely on volunteer fire departments.  While many calls are nuisance or false alarms (often in the middle of the night), last evening was an example of the thorough training of our local firefighters.

It’s scary to watch a roaring fire from a safe distance…can’t imagine it from the firemen’s perspective.  I admire their dedication.




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recycleFYI- All communities in Cape May County  are participating in “Single Stream Recycling”.

Recycling containers without lids are still required, yet ALL recycling materials may be mixed together in those cans.  No need to separate the bottles from the newspapers/cardboard.  See Cape May County MUA WEB SITE for specifics.

With more items now qualifying, recycling should be greater than regular trash.

Household garbage must be in plastic bags and secured in trash cans with lids.

In Avalon, place trash cans and recycling containers at the curb by 7am of the scheduled pick up day.  In Stone Harbor, trash and recycling are picked up from the side or rear yard.

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Beach Day for Me :)

A Friday off (because I work weekends) = time on the beach, a long walk, and a stop at the Windrift for lunch…life is good!

Back in the office early this morning.  We have last minute rentals available if you need to escape the heat!  Call me 609-967-7950


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Stone Harbor- Beach Fill, continued

The dredging crew is back on site and working 24/7 to complete the Stone Harbor project by the end of July.

As of last night, beach access was blocked between 97th through 95th Streets.  Once the new sand is graded,  beach paths will be re-opened.  The project will continue to move north at a steady pace.

P.S. ALL beach paths remained open today, allowing beach goers easier access around the on going project. We were able to walk behind the staging area for the 3 blocks under construction.  I posted a new video on my YouTube channel., too.

For additional information: Stone Harbor Beach Fill Web Site



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Shore Weather

Crazy weather today- partly sunny with the occasional torrential downpour!

Posting a few pictures from last summer to remain focused on better beach days ahead.  The last photo was taken on July 4th- lifeguards leading a patriotic sing along, and races for the kids.


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Busy Weekend, Busy Week

The island will remain at full capacity all week for the holiday.  My “commute” to work this morning took a few extra minutes due to bicycle traffic and pedestrian cross walks 😉

Enjoy the week!


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Islandman Triathlon

Another great turnout for the annual Islandman Triathlon this morning.  The weather cooperated, too.

For race results, visit the Tim Kerr Charities web site- CLICK HERE


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