FYI- the code inspectors check the manufacture’s date on smoke detectors.
If the detectors (hard wired or battery operated) are more than 10 years old, replacement will be required in order to pass inspection.
Even for those not renting, it’s helpful to know that smoke detectors have a 10 year life span.  If you experience random beeps after swapping out the battery, and you believe the detectors are at  least 10 years old, better to replace all of the units at the same time.
For hard wired carbon monoxide detectors, the life span is only 5 years.
Good, Better, Best!
Quick narrative of my morning walk:
“Ahh, warm sun. Â That feels nice. Â Oh, and look…2 pieces of sea glass. Â Low tide and calm wind- such a beautiful morning on the beach. Â Wow…three herons just flew overhead -another version of “snow birds” returning north! ”
And then, just before I turned up my beach path: “Dolphins!!” Jumping out of the water as they passed by. Â The ocean was so calm- they were easy to spot. Â Now THAT’S the way to start a work day 🙂