Understanding Flood Zones

HouseliftThe proposed FEMA/New Jersey flood zones and elevation requirements are the topic of much discussion- even more so since Governor Christie ordered the guidelines be followed for re-construction of homes damaged by Sandy.

Although much of the island remains in the “A” zone for flood insurance purposes, the bayside areas of Avalon and Stone Harbor were reclassified as “V” zones.  To view the proposed flood zone and elevation requirement for your shore property, refer to the FEMA Map, and enter the local address in the box above the map (it defaults to Newark Airport).

According to statements made by FEMA representatives, municipalities will have the opportunity to debate the specific locations of the V zones, yet the elevation requirements will likely remain at the proposed levels.  Final approval of the maps may take a full year.

I have a better understanding of the value of  V zone construction requirements after recent conversations with 2 different bay front property owners.  Although they did not experience any water inside their homes, the force of the moving water jarred their foundation- causing structural issues inside the home (first noticed as major cracks along interior walls on the 2nd floor).  If the water had not met resistance and instead flowed under the homes, the damage may not have occurred.   The new construction code for V zone locations requires the structure to be on piers rather than a solid block foundation (the piers can be cosmetically covered with break away walls)- allowing water to flow freely under the elevated building.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, I am happy to answer to the best of my ability, or direct you to someone who can help.

P.S. Link to interesting article posted 2/28/13 in The Cape May County Herald



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Summer Rental Inventory

rentsignI recently added several Avalon NJ homes to our inventory of summer rental properties with POOLS.  The properties vary in size and amenities (and therefore price).  All are available for prime summer weeks.

A few examples: 26 W 11th Street, Avalon;    215 49th Street, Avalon ;  and  5189 Ocean Drive, Avalon

If you know anyone looking for a vacation rental in Avalon or Stone Harbor, please share this post and our web site:  http://www.powerplayrealty.com/rentals

Thank you.  I appreciate your referrals for sales and rentals!

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Beach Views

Last night, we were able to watch the full moon rise…AND the International Space Station glide over the beach!  A Twitter friend provided the details from NASA- so we knew where to look.  The steady light arrived just on time from the bay side.  We watched it slowly pass over head before it disappeared over the ocean.  Very cool!



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Beach Buddies

Chilly morning, yet the calm ocean and warm sun inspired a long walk.  Full moon tonight- looking forward to dinner (Wawa sandwiches) in the Jeep, and on the beach 🙂


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Sunday Sights

Big waves at high tide this morning.  The sun appeared as I drove to the office.  Looks like a nice day for showing houses 🙂

P.S. Very active sale market in Avalon and Stone Harbor– there are currently 43 properties posted “under contract” with settlements scheduled over the next few months.


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Beach Walker Report

boardwalkThe best way to judge the condition of our beaches? A simple walk.

Yesterday, I walked along the “new” sand in the north end of Avalon thanks to the recent beach fill project.  Based on survey markers, dune restoration will also occur.  The new beach is holding up great (even after a few winter storms).

South of 26th Street, the existing beach remains stable (and wide)- all the way down to the 80th Street area.

The beach narrows a bit around 81st Street (the surfing beach), but widens again a few blocks south. In March, the Stone Harbor segment of the beach fill project will begin- adding new sand from 92nd Street south through 114th Street…and again from 119th Street to the jetty south of 123rd Street.  Dune restoration is also planned in these areas.

We continue to assure prospective tenants and buyers- Avalon and Stone Harbor are definitely ready for summer 2013!




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Boardwalk Wildlife

catLast night I was reading about various vacation options for the fall (always planning ahead); with one island bragging about the numerous sea turtles found on their beach.

I was thinking about that article this morning as we walked along the Avalon boardwalk, and spotted our famous wildlife: feral cats!  Are we missing a marketing opportunity??

Feral cats were once just an Avalon Manor legend (with stories similar to those of the Jersey Devil and Big Foot). Then somehow, the gang of felines found their way across the bridge to gather under the boardwalk.

Today, the cats are well fed by volunteers, and neutered to limit their numbers.  They will occasionally startle a walker on a quiet winter day, yet for the most part, keep to themselves around the Community Hall or in sunny spots along the dunes.

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Crawl Space Vents


Re-posting this information (originally posted 4/4/2011). Shore homeowners may face the required crawl space venting issue when renewing their current flood insurance policy.   


I attended an interesting seminar today regarding flood vents (I am such a house nerd).

The cost for flood insurance is based on the elevation of the home (how high it sits off of the ground), and proper venting of the structure.   If the venting does not conform to current codes, the home owner will pay a substantially higher insurance premium.

Basic facts:  the bottom of all vents can be no higher than 12″ above grade (for example- the upper row of vents shown in the photo are disqualified); the standard sliding aluminum vents must be disabled in the open position to qualify (not practical in the winter months with exposed pipes); garages and detached buildings must be vented; and if the inside grade on all 4 walls of the crawl space is lower than the outside grade, insurance regulations classify the space as a basement.

Engineered vents (such as SmartVents) are common in new construction, and can be installed to retrofit an exisiting house to conform to code.  For more information: http://www.smartvent.com/  or contact your insurance agent.

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Shore Tourism

PierGrateful for the media efforts reminding shore visitors: “We are Open”.  It’s an important message after months of devastating images and requests for financial help for our shore neighbors to the north.

Prospective tenants ask about the condition of our beaches and businesses; and after reassurances, are ready to commit to a vacation rental. Buyers are able to see first hand as they tour homes and condos.  We know how fortunate we are to start our 2013 season with such normalcy.

A reporter and photographer from Penn Live (Patriot News of Central Pennsylvania) are currently touring the southern Jersey shore -Cape May to Atlantic City- and posting updates.  You can read their posts HERE , and  today’s post  HERE  (disclaimer- I’m quoted!)

Posted in Avalon, New Jersey- News, Life at the Shore, Seashore Real Estate, Stone Harbor, New Jersey- News | Comments closed

Avalon- Primary Residents

The Borough of Avalon offers similar information on their web site regarding FEMA funds available for residents to elevate their homes.

Click here for link

The deadline for submitting an application is March 11th.

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