Beach walks and treasure hunting

Some days are more productive than others!

4 pieces of sea glass AND 16 sand dollars…all before heading to work 😉


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Praying for Peace


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Presidents’ Weekend

It’s time for the beach communities to slowly emerge from hibernation.

Restaurants and shops start opening on weekends.  Our summer neighbors return for brief visits to check on their homes.

And although the temperatures remain cold, a bright sunrise over the ocean gives us hope for an eventual spring!




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Twitter for 12 years!

Sixteen years ago, I created this blog as an alternative to the average real estate agent web site.

The blog has remained a creative outlet to talk about my local business, and our shore lifestyle.

And then twelve years ago, I signed up for Twitter.  Twitter seemed more upbeat and fun compared to other social media options; and a quick way to communicate with property owners and visitors.

On days like today- with the wind howling and the temperature barely at 20 degrees- Twitter keeps me accountable.  I bundle up and post my regular #beachwalk picture before heading off to work.

During weather events, my posts provide a local perspective, and reassurance to out of town property owners.  In turn, I appreciate the kindness extended by strangers- some of whom have become in person customers and friends!

Thanks for following along!



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Stone Harbor Cottage

Incredible response from prospective buyers and fellow real estate agents once I posted this sale listing late Thursday afternoon.

202 92nd Street MLS info- click here.

Within  24 hours, the final contract was signed by all parties!

I realize it’s discouraging for the prospective buyers (and their agents) who miss out.  There’s no easy solution while the inventory remains low.

If you own a shore house and are thinking about selling, it really is an opportune time!





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More daylight for beach walks

Now we just need to work on those cold temperatures!!



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Higher interest rates for 2nd home loans?

Effective April 1, 2022, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac will implement an interest rate surcharge for some second home loans.
houseThis will apply only to conforming loans (less than $647,500).
I heard from one larger lender that they have a plan to originate and portfolio these loans so that the interest rates posted for primary homes can be the same for 2nd homes (similar policy for jumbo loans).
There is a solution.  I am happy to provide a reference for an area mortgage representative to help.
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Snow at the Shore

As far as blizzards go, this one was manageable.

Thankfully, no issues with flooding or power outages.  And the municipal workers did a great job clearing the streets.

It looks pretty, but I’m ready for the big melt!



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Rental Agent, Landlord and Tenant

For 40 years, I have worked with property owners in Avalon and Stone Harbor as a vacation rental agent.  The booking and processing side of the job have evolved with technology, yet tenants and owners still appreciate the personal service of an on-site professional.

This experience transfers over to my role as a landlord.  My husband and I work hard to meet the expectations of our guests.  Owner visits are essential to check/replace supplies and “spring clean” several times a year.  Our approach: if they find a well maintained property, the tenants will (hopefully) respect and care for our condo during their stay.

And occasionally, I’m a tenant.

Earlier this month, I rented a home in Naples, Florida to celebrate milestone birthdays with my sisters.  Although the owner was responsive when I reported several issues, the “tenant” in me was a bit frustrated.   Waiting to see if a tenant complains is not the best landlord strategy!

Often it’s the simple items that make a difference: plenty of hangers in the closets, extra towel bars and hooks in the bathrooms, a full length mirror, clean cushions for the outdoor furniture, new shower curtain liners, and a starter supply of detergent, toilet paper, paper towels and trash bags.

If you have questions, I’m here to help!





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January Beach Days

With the right attire, EVERY day is a beach day 😉

Bright sunshine and no wind for this morning’s walk- almost felt balmy!


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