Golf Cart Safety

Golf cartAn important warning based on a recent alarm call handled by the Avalon Fire Department:

Batteries in golf carts emit hydrogen (an odorless, colorless, and highly flammable gas) when charging.

In high quantities,  hydrogen gas will activate a carbon monoxide detector.

The alarm call to the Avalon Fire Department was caused by a cart charging while inside a closed garage.

Therefore, charging the cart should be limited to outside, or in a well ventilated area.

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Rounding the corner to September

Noticeably quieter during the week.  As schools return to an in person setting, families are unable to extend their beach time like last summer.  And unfortunately, some local businesses are reducing their hours due to lack of help.

Yet we know there will be plenty of peaceful beach days ahead!



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Watch the Weather!

We are not expecting any major issues from Henri, yet it’s smart to be prepared:

Secure all possible flying objects- trash cans, deck furniture, umbrellas, and beach chairs.

Close and lock the door for the outside shower; likewise the storm door.

Be aware of possible flooding, and move vehicles to a driveway or parking lot (street parking is risky is certain flood prone areas).

Head to the inlet and watch the power of Mother Nature!

Picture from a past storm:



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House Rental versus a Hotel Stay

For our vacations, I’ve enjoyed hotel/resort accommodations, as well as home rentals.

When traveling with extended family, a home or condo is ideal.  We can all have our own space, prepare simple meals (with no set time for breakfast!), and still enjoy time together.

For some destinations, I prefer to stay at a resort hotel.  I like when my husband can walk or be shuttled to the adjacent golf course while I hang out on the beach.  For a short vacation, an on site restaurant is convenient, too.

I was thinking about this yesterday while enjoying lunch outside at The Reeds.  Families were riding the double decker pontoon boat on the bay, and boarding the hotel golf cart headed to the beach.  Because we live here, I sometimes forget the resort aspects of our community!

With Covid, the demand for vacation rentals increased. Some families just felt more comfortable with their own space rather than shared common areas.

Observation as a rental agent: “hotel people” adjusting to the reality of renting someone’s private home.  Every property is unique in decor and amenities.  Owners set up their kitchen to their personal preferences.  There might be extra batteries for the TV remote in a junk drawer…or maybe not.  Same with spare light bulbs or a fly swatter! There’s no front desk, or on-call maintenance crew to resolve issues.  Rental agents do our best, yet we are at the mercy of local vendors.

If you are new to the vacation home rental process (either as a landlord or tenant), I am happy to help along the way!






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Vacation Rentals for 2022

Within the next month, we will be connecting with property owners and confirming 2022 rates and availability.

I’m here to help both landlords and tenants with their plans!  609-967-7950


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What’s on your list?

The “September” weather these past 2 days is Mother Nature’s reminder to enjoy the remaining weeks of summer!

My list of things to do typically revolves around restaurants to try before they close for the season.

Because the weather is so nice through the early fall, there’s still plenty of time for activities such as kayaking and bike rides.

When the swallows start lining up on the electrical wires…I know the summer clock is ticking 😉





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Follow the path…


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Grateful for our time with the big and little kids! ❤️


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Shore Real Estate Market

I read this quote by a real estate agent in South Carolina.  Ironically, the statement also applies to the Avalon and Stone Harbor market:

“We are seeing some sellers take advantage of increased values, however, many homes remain unlisted due to the lack of available replacement properties for would-be-sellers. Buyer fatigue is being felt across the area with highly competitive multiple offer situations the norm for most price points.”

If there is an increase of sale inventory this fall, our market should settle down a bit.  I don’t believe we will experience a drop in values as much as a leveling off.

I’ve managed several cycles of shore real estate during my long career…and I’m here to help you navigate through!   609-967-7950

Thank you for your business and referrals!


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Summer of 2021

Based on overall island activity, and our rental business, it feels like it’s been “summer” since April!

I think we all have a seasonal check list…at least in our heads.

There are new restaurants to try; and nearby areas to explore by bike or on foot.  Our kayaks and paddle boards deserve some time on the water; and our stack of beach books wait patiently for a quiet afternoon under an umbrella.

Thankfully, there’s plenty of “summer” ahead.


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