Wrapping up 2021

This past year was a bit of a roller coaster, and at times blurring completely with 2020!

Work was hectic (another banner season for sales and rentals at the shore). Families were once again grateful to spend time at the beach.

In between, we were able to juggle our own family gatherings, including a beautiful wedding last May.

There were plenty of beach walks and bike rides.  Outdoor dining is still the norm. The popular TK Charities events resumed (I’m a volunteer…not participant!)  And our towns creatively hosted numerous outdoor events.

So what do we expect for 2022?

Demand remains strong for summer rentals and vacation home purchases.  And the islandwide construction boom continues.

Personally, we are looking forward to traveling again- with a BIG trip planned for next fall.  We are hoping for the best (and of course purchased travel insurance).

My wish for all of us:  less stress, more laughter, and good health in 2022!



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The Real Seashore Santa

This entry was originally posted Christmas 2008.  The blog post and Santa were both updated in 2018!


Santa– the life size plywood cut out version- has been an important part of Christmas for as long as I can remember.

Santa began his life of service in the early 1960s at my parents’ first house in Avalon.  He was surrounded by big, multi-colored bulbs on the newly planted shrubs.  Inside that modest Golden Home rancher, 4 little girls hung their stockings on a cardboard fireplace with a plug in red bulb that magically turned the metal wheel to create “fire” .

In the 1970s, Santa moved with our family 5 blocks south in Avalon to a larger, 2 story home with a real wood fireplace.  The colorful exterior lights were eventually replaced with more subtle white bulbs, but the spot light literally remained on Santa.

In the off season, Santa hung proudly on the garage wall- watching us all come and go.  Those little girls grew up and moved out, bringing back grandchildren for days on the beach.  In the 1980s, my young sons were fascinated by Santa, and maybe a bit intimidated based on our attempts to use him for improved behavior!

When my parents downsized to a townhouse in the early 1990s, my father asked if I wanted Santa for our home.  Of course, I was thrilled- and Santa didn’t complain as he was forced to leave Avalon and move “off shore”.

Santa loyally followed us on each move- knowing that he would be given a prominent position (with a flood light) at Christmas.   Years later, he gratefully moved back to the island to become a Stone Harbor resident!

Now coasting past his mid-50s, Santa was showing signs of wear (aren’t we all).

For several years, I thought about arranging a touch up, but it just didn’t feel right.   Thankfully, our niece offered her artistic talents - a perfect fit!

So the newly refreshed Santa is back in his designated spot in front of our home- ready to face another 50+ years by the beach 😎



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New Year’s Eve in Avalon NJ

Fireworks on Friday, December 31st at 5pm.

Families are encouraged to access the beach at 30th and 32nd Street for best viewing (and safety).

Events and entertainment prior to the fireworks- starting at 3:30pm at Surfside Park (30th Street and the boardwalk).

Rain date,  Saturday evening, January 1st.

For more information:  Visit Avalon Web Site



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An Early Christmas at the Beach

An Avalon beach house was the perfect setting for our family gathering yesterday.

The weather wasn’t perfect, so “Santa” had to move inside for group pictures 😉

MomMom and many of her grandchildren and great grandchildren were on hand.

And the Delaneys from Stone Harbor and beyond enjoyed a fun visit ❤️

Merry, merry 🎄


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2021 to 2022

Does anyone else hesitate when writing the date?

Wasn’t it JUST 2000, and we were uncertain of the correct pronunciation?  Two Thousand; two thousand and one, etc.

And are we finally comfortable using the abbreviated version:  Twenty, twenty one?  It only took me 20 years to adapt 😉

With the transition to 2022, I’ve been thinking about major events that pushed me to change.

Not long after 9/11, I realized that the agency and the management position I held were no longer a good fit.  I missed the “sales” part of real estate, and needed a different office environment.

I’m grateful that I could join my friends one block away. Now 19 years and counting, working at Tim Kerr Sotheby’s (with occasional visits from little helpers!)

For the past 2 years, all of us have navigated the uncertainties of the pandemic.   A rental condo that we purchased in 2019 has become a safe escape with my new “work from home” skills.  I doubt we would be spending as much time there under ordinary circumstances.  I’m grateful for the change of perspective.

For 2022, I will continue to look for the positive experiences that shape our lives.

Wishing you the same…




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Shop Local

PXL_20211128_214604191Several shop owners mentioned how pleased they were with the Thanksgiving weekend.

Business was booming islandwide!

The downtown streets are attractively decorated to boost your holiday mood.

Several restaurants remain open (some for long weekends).

And be sure to stroll around after 5pm to see the lights- it’s really beautiful!



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Zoning of the “Court” Properties

WeberCourtThere are 4 alley way streets in Stone Harbor, commonly referred to as “the Courts”.

Bower Court, Weber Court, and Stone Court are located between 108th and 111th Streets; and Linden Lane is situated between 84th and 85th Streets.

Charming bungalows line the streets, all built on parcels only slightly larger than the structures.

WAY back in the day, my father’s family rented the summer cottage at C-19 Weber Court:  (click here for the past blog post).  


When the proposed zoning changes were discussed in July, I wrote the following letter to the Mayor and Borough Council:

Hello all.  Thank you for considering my thoughts regarding the proposed ordinance change for Court properties.

My husband and I purchased a cottage on Weber Court in 1997.  We were excited for our 536 square foot “project” and followed the guidelines as we completely renovated over the next few years.
We understood that the 2nd level space had to remain attic storage for fire safety reasons, and worked within the existing walls to update. 
The consistency and limitations of the zoning have been essential to maintain the look and value of the quaint cottages (as observed during my 40 years as a full time real estate agent on the island).
After 5 years of ownership, we sold our Weber Court cottage and purchased our current location nearby.
A comment I heard from someone who supports the zoning change: “Court owners should have the right to expand”.  
If  that’s the case, what is the purpose of zoning?  As property owners, we are all guided by limitations for square footage, height, or number of dwelling units in a particular location.
Property values are directly related to the zoning.  A Court owner pays less than someone purchasing an undersized lot on a numbered street.  And in turn, someone purchasing an undersized lot pays less than a buyer of a full size lot.  
Although I understand that the proposed changes are restrictive and will only apply to a limited number of Court property owners, I disagree with the premise of the change – especially because there will always be those owners who try to push the boundaries!
Thank you for your time.
Ann Delaney
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Thanksgiving Weekend- island style

After you finish up your turkey dinner…it’s time for Christmas 😉

There’s a full schedule of events in Avalon and Stone Harbor for the holiday weekend:

Avalon Chamber of Commerce:    https://www.visitavalonnj.com/thanksgiving-weekend-2021

Stone Harbor Chamber of Commerce:  https://stoneharborchamber.com/events

The highlight of the weekend is the parade on Saturday night (starting at 6:30pm on 108th and Third Avenue, heading north to 96th Street).

Stop by our Avalon office on Friday 11/26- we will be handing out t-shirts from the 2021 TK Charities events!


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Over the river, through the woods…and to the beach!

Last week, we traveled to the mountains of North Carolina, and then over to the beach in South Carolina to hang out with our grandsons and their parents ❤️





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Happy Halloween!

Do you see the pumpkin face??


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