Island Parks

Looking for “views” on a dreary day:

The Armacost Park on 74th and Ocean Drive, and the Stone Harbor public marina on 80th and the bay.


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Listening for Nature

With fewer cars on the road and only a small percentage of homes occupied, the early morning “quiet” is remarkable.

We are able to focus the distinct cry of an osprey overheard, and the thump of the waves against the jetty rocks.

I want to appreciate this peaceful time rather than stressing out over the future (I save the stressing for AFTER the walk!)


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Memories While Walking

Today’s long walk included my childhood neighborhood in Avalon.

Although I’ve lived and worked on the island forever, I find that walking past a specific location or building triggers long ago memories.

The slower pace of our lives has allowed me this gift.

My husband and I started dating in high school, so he is often part of those stories and tolerates my nostalgia!

For example- from the 55th Street Bay Park, the neighborhood kids would take row boats or a Sunfish over to the sandy beach near the end of Fourth Avenue that we considered our “swimming hole” 😎


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Thoughts for Summer, continued

The owner of Relax Concierge (a successful linen and beach equipment rental company)  responded to my recent post regarding expectations for Summer 2020:

All owners should have 2 sets of bedding for each bed ( comforters, mattress pads, pillows). Even if they aren’t cleaned each week it gives the bedding a week to rest.     I recommend this anyway for when renters mistakenly take home a pillow sham.  It drives some tenants crazy.  I totally get it.

Owners should arrange for some extra cleaning time.   Create a cleaning check list that includes all touch surfaces like door handles, light switches, railings that are not normally on cleaning schedule.  Possibly also include the surface checklist to show renters what was done for peace of mind.

Houses with really nice kitchens will be at a premium since many guests will probably prefer to dine in more often.

I’m hopeful that our linen service will be still desired since guests may not want to bring from home and that our guests know we take cleaning very seriously.   I will continue to post about our cleaning procedures as we prepare to reopen. 

All the best,

Regarding the additional cleaning, our agency has discussed extending the change over time to allow cleaning services the opportunity to tackle the extra tasks.


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Sunrise Walk in North Wildwood

Last week, we saw a sign posted for the North Wildwood sea wall permitting access between 5am- 8am.

We headed over around 6am and realized we aren’t the only ones happy to see the sun rise over the ocean!

The walkway starts on Angelsea Drive, and hugs the jetty rocks and dunes along the inlet.  At the end, you can continue onto 2nd Ave and JKF Beach Drive and follow the bike or walking path for several blocks.  We turned around at the boardwalk ramp at 15th (boardwalk is closed).

A nice option until we can resume our normal beach walks!


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Looking for Water

With the beach paths closed, I have to be creative to get my daily dose of “water views”.

Fortunately, we live on an island!

This morning, we walked toward the Townsends Inlet Bridge.  This is the first time I’ve seen the seawall up close -usually I’m there for a photo op during a storm with the waves splashing over!

Our return route along Ocean Drive provided additional bay views, and some salt air breezes.





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Vision for Summer 2020?

Government officials are beginning to prepare us for the new normal.  We will not be suddenly freed from our homes to resume our prior lives.

So what should we expect this summer at the shore?

My random thoughts:

Beach tag inspectors enforcing social distancing between family groups (will be challenging on the busier beaches).

Extra life guard stands so that guards can spread out.

Designer cloth masks to match bathing suits and beach cover ups (idea for the local surf shops!)

Restaurants with outdoor dining will be preferred- and should definitely incorporate air circulation for comfort, and to ward off those pesky gnats!

Families will be comfortable vacationing in properties where they can control the cleanliness.  Homes with pools will become even more popular because the occupants can isolate and enjoy their time away.

We are fortunate that Avalon and Stone Harbor offer plenty of open spaces- allowing residents and visitors the opportunity to safely navigate a much needed break this summer.

Think positive 😎



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Walks Around the Island

With the beach off limits, we are now exploring all of the neighborhoods of the island during our daily walks.

Thankfully, as a real estate agent, checking out houses is my favorite pastime!

Today’s walk covered from downtown Avalon, and north to the inlet.  Loved seeing the ocean at the turn around.


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Shore Storms

High winds , heavy rain, thunder storms, and now a tornado warning??

I had to check on a property during a break in the storms, and all seemed okay driving through Avalon and Stone Harbor.

Back home in time to watch the dark clouds roll in over the bay…



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Easter Sunday

An early morning walk over a deserted bridge to catch the sunrise, while wearing our “Easter” jeans 😉

Wishing you a peaceful day…


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