A Vacation from the Beach?

When I mention my vacation plans to customers, they often question why  I’m “leaving the beach to go on vacation?”

Our fall trip is typically arranged by April. With our hectic summer schedules, it’s nice to look forward to an off season break.

We are privileged to live by the ocean year round, and I am grateful for the ever changing views.  Yet as I know from coordinating summer vacations for our visitors, a week away is good for the soul!

In 2 weeks, my beach views will be a bit different.  I’ll post a few pictures on Twitter  😎


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Nuns’ Beach, Stone Harbor

Unfortunately, the annual Nuns’ Beach Surf Contest on September 15th was cancelled due to unsafe water conditions (rip currents).

The “store” at 111th and Second Avenue, Stone Harbor remains open on weekends, and the popular “Nuns’ Beach” wear can also be purchased at Pete Smith’s Surf Shop on 96th Street.

We are proud to support the kind Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and their beautiful Stone Harbor landmark.



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Weekends at the Shore

Perfect “fall” weather for the Savor September Festival on 96th Street today.  12 noon to 9pm.




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“How’s the Market?”


During the past month, a total of 46 properties SOLD, ranging in price from $430,000 to $7,700,000!  The median selling price was $1,747,500.

And a record number of properties (100) are under contract with settlements scheduled for the near future. The median listing price of those sale pending is $1,360,000.

If you have any questions regarding real estate values in Avalon or Stone Harbor, I am here to help.  609-967-7950 or ann.delaney@timkerrsir.com

Thank you for your continued interest.



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Monday Views

An early morning beach walk to view the colorful sunrise…with the bonus of a rainbow!

A perfect way to start a busy work day 🙂


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The sun has returned!

A picture perfect September day at the shore.

Yet of course I’m thinking about our fellow coastal (and inland) residents from communities in the Carolinas.  What a scary event…

Full disclosure: the photo below is from LAST September (I’m at work).

Enjoy the weekend.


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Summer 2018 to Summer 2019

RentSignAnd just that fast, it’s time to transition to the next vacation rental season.

Our 2019 Rental Authorizations will be mailed later this week.  I am looking forward to meeting /talking with property owners regarding their plans for next summer.

Tenants often provide suggestions for a more comfortable stay.  This summer, I heard requests for additional reading lamps, more wine glasses, better kitchen knives, complete cable channel package (to watch a Phillies game), and basic supplies of paper products/detergents to get them started.

And as in past years, we face the occasional disconnect between change over cleaning responsibilities and incoming tenant’s expectations.

For example, if the departing tenant does not clean up around the exterior of the property at the end of their stay, the new tenant will be upset with the condition. Specific items not addressed by a cleaning services:  outside showers (left over soap, sand, and shampoo bottles), grill (food remnants on grates and a full drip pan), sliding glass doors (little people finger prints), decks/patios (furniture not organized  and/or covered with sand), and messy trash and recycling cans.

A note left in the house might help-  placed by a side door or in the utility room for best visibility.  And, make it easy for the tenant to clean up:  a nearby hose, an extra broom by the deck or patio, a grill brush, and plenty of trash cans with well fitting lids.

If you have any rental questions, I am happy to help!  609-967-7950  or ann.delaney@timkerrsir.com



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Community and Business

I am fortunate to work for an established and respected real estate firm:    Tim Kerr Sotheby’s International Realty

Our company is privately owned by Avalon resident Tim Kerr, a well known retired athlete (Philadelphia Flyers) and founder of  TK Charities.

Tim started the annual Labor Day weekend foot race 30 years ago. Over the years, he and his wife Midge have added 6 additional summer events- all raising money for charity.

I’m proud that our business model is rooted at the local community level.  And I’m proud to promote and volunteer at the TK Charities events!



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Left Overs With Less Waste

My daughter in law teaches environmental science on the high school level.  She shared a suggestion of bringing my own container for left overs when dining out.

She knows we eat out often, and that I will take home even a small portion of my meal for lunch or dinner the next day.  I’ve been known to keep a cooler in my car in anticipation of left overs!

So last night, I was able to fit a plastic container in our wine bag (with an ice pack) for our dinner in Cape May.  The bus boy looked confused 😉

A practical eco-friendly idea!


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Bay Views

It was a perfect morning for the annual TK Charities Cedar Island 5K Swim.

Such a fun event!

Added bonus as a volunteer:  an up close perspective of the massive boats and new homes along the bay. Wow!

2018  drone video:  Click Here




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