An Agent’s Perspective As A Tenant

Even a vacation can be a work related experience.

I was a tenant last week in Naples, Florida. And although rental practices vary by location, many expectations and behaviors are the same.

For example, the owner warned us in advance about major road construction in the neighborhood.  She forwarded notices from the city, with an apology for the unavoidable inconvenience.   I’m glad that we were not caught off guard as we drove up the house- and I really believe it was less of a hassle because we were mentally prepared.

Lesson? Owners and rental agents hate to be the bearer of bad news, yet it makes sense to disclose issues that will ultimately impact the tenant’s use of the property.  The property owner may not have any control over the situation (road work, beach replenishment, nearby construction, etc.) but after a long day of travel, those issues will seem even worse from the tenant’s perspective.

Another observation: we didn’t look through the owner’s welcome book until mid-week when we needed information regarding an appliance.

Thankfully, there were laminated instructions next to all of the TVs (and as with most homes, each TV had a different set up).  The Wi-fi password was prominently posted on the refrigerator.  There was a label on the thermostat to specify the settings for AC.  And there was another laminated note with detailed trash and recycling instructions (although the recycling can was FULL, so obviously the last tenant missed the pick up day).  Does any of this sound familiar?

I sincerely believe tenants want to follow owner’s wishes,  yet the “house rules” should be easy to find.

Notes in the utility room and kitchen will be seen by most guests.  Stickers on a wall of switches may avoid the back yard spot light burning all week.  Anything quirky should be labeled/explained.

We appreciated that the house was clean and well stocked.  The furniture and bedding were all newer. And, there were brooms and cleaning supplies for the crazy sister who cleans on vacation (that would be me).

Overall, a fun week with my sisters…and the bonus of a fresh perspective for the summer rental season ahead.





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Fabulous Fifties

Out of the office message:  Friday May 4th to Friday May 11th.  Back in the office on Saturday May 12th.

A few years ago, my sisters and I vacationed together to celebrate the “baby’s” 50th birthday.

Although we had traveled as a group with our families, this was the first time since our teen years with just the 4 of us under one roof.

Thankfully, we managed to share bedrooms and bathrooms without any major incidents 😉

Rather than wait until next year for another milestone birthday, we decided to celebrate the eldest turning 59.

And of course we will be relaxing on a beach 😎

Ages: 53, 56, 57, and 58… turning 59.

Yes, our parents had their hands full!


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Discovery Channel- Shore Version

On this morning’s episode…

I watched the precision high dive of an osprey into the ocean. The hawk surfaced with a surprisingly large fish -especially considering the shallow water depth.

The fish was heavier than a normal catch, causing the osprey to land on the beach several times for a better grip.

After a few minutes of attempted take off and forced landings, the osprey gave up and left the fish behind.  The hawk quickly returned over the ocean in search of “lighter fare” for breakfast!

So, if you find a random dead fish in your yard, it’s not from some epic flood.

Likely leftovers from an overzealous osprey 🙂



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Sunday Sights

A colorful morning beach walk…with the bonus views of dolphins jumping the waves and osprey fishing for breakfast!


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2018 Beach Tags

Reminder that seasonal beach tags are now on sale in Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ.

Tags are $23 each and allow you to “cross the border” between the two towns!  Purchase before the end of May for the pre-season price.

Although most of my beach time is before and after the tag checker hours, I am happy to contribute to the protection and maintenance of our beautiful shore line.

Money well spent!




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Opening Soon…

The “Opening Soon” signs are appearing in store and restaurant windows around the island.

We are grateful for the businesses that endure the LONG winter and manage to keep their doors open with a limited customer base.

And we are excited for more dining and shopping options as the season approaches.







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All Year Long…

I’m so fortunate to capture and share my views year round.

A few of my favorites:

PavilionMonarchSunriseBeachWalk 2Snow111thStreetIceBeachFishingsnowsunriseSurfersGirlsOspreyBeachBayThursdayBayFlag

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Brendan Borek High Tides Memorial Fund

I am proud to support the Brendan Borek Endowment Fund at Children’s Hospital.

The fund was specifically established to help pediatric cancer patients and their families in Cape May and Atlantic Counties.

On May 4th, their 13th Annual Golf Tournament will be held at Stone Harbor Golf Club.

For more information:     or   609-967-0100



Brendan’sFund Web Site

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Tim Kerr Sotheby’s International Realty

UnderContractSignHave you checked out our web site recently?


Vacation Rentals

Beautiful Drone Videos

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Bunks Beds in Rental Homes

BunksRecently, I posted a picture of built in bunk beds on Twitter.  Bunk rooms have become a popular addition in many new construction homes.

The post prompted a few questions about what’s permitted under the rental license guidelines.

Bedroom occupancy is based on fire codes, and requires 50 square feet per person.

If a bedroom measures 100 square feet (a 10′ x 10′ room)- occupancy limit of 2

150 square feet – occupancy limit of 3

200 square feet- occupancy limit of 4

If you are thinking about changing beds in a particular room and/or adding bunk beds, make sure the dimensions will allow the additional sleeping spaces.

Also, be sure the beds do not obstruct the egress windows.




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