Vacation Rentals for Summer 2018

RentSignTired of the cold weather?

Think summer!

Single family home? Condo? Townhouse? Whatever your vacation rental home preference, we have availability for prime summer weeks.

Search our web site:   for a quick overview, and then contact me for more details: 609-967-7950

I am familiar with the properties and locations, and happy to help you find the best option for your family.

Thank you for the opportunity to assist with your Avalon or Stone Harbor NJ plans!

Posted in Avalon, New Jersey- News, Seashore Real Estate, Stone Harbor, New Jersey- News | Comments closed

Irish Roots

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  

20160317_130713_resized_3On my father’s side: my grandmother was born in County Clare in the Republic of Ireland, and my grandfather grew up near Ballymena and the Antrim Coast in Northern Ireland.  A real mixed marriage!

They met and married in Philadelphia, and vacationed in Stone Harbor each summer while raising 6 children (pictured in front of their local rental cottage).

In the 1950s, my grandparents built a year round home in Avalon.  A family business brought the sons and daughters (including spouses and young children) from Philadelphia to Avalon shortly thereafter.

After visiting the beautiful windswept coast of Northern Ireland, I can totally understand my grandfather’s love of the shore.

Sand in our shoes… and salt air in our lungs 😉


P.S.  Because immigration is a current topic: according to family legend, my grandfather arrived to the United States via Canada. And my grandmother used her older sister’s ID to travel to the US. Her children didn’t know her real name/age until she was older. Important to understand that our family history may be softened over time by nostalgia.

Pictures from our 2008 trip to Northern Ireland.


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Important Info For Bay Front Property Owners

This subject was discussed last week with a bay front property owner planning to sell:

Original post June 2016. 

I attended a seminar this morning with important information regarding bay front ownership.

Some Riparian Grants issued between the late 1980s through the early 2000s have the following language:

“This grant is made upon the condition and limitation that there shall be no further filling of the presently flowed tidelands.  If any filling does occur within the presently flowed tidelands herein granted, the title to the lands conveyed herein shall immediately and automatically revert to the ownership of the State of New Jersey, but without any diminution in the consideration paid upon the delivery of this instrument.”

When a property owner installs a new bulkhead (which typically extends 24″ out from the existing bulkhead based on current zoning), the State defines the added 24″ as “filling”.  And YES, even if the required Borough, DEP and/or CAFRA permits were obtained.

The Department of Tidelands has a new regime, and this enforcement is viewed by attorneys and title company representatives as a method to generate revenue.  A true “money grab”.  Frustrating to say the least!

Bottom line: the State of New Jersey expects the land owner to “buy back” this filled area, even though a large sum of money was paid for the original Riparian Grant.  

Unfortunately, the issue will not go away.  Even if a bay front owner has no plans to sell, their heirs will eventually face the problem.  And because the cost to resolve is based on the value of the land, it makes sense to remove the lien sooner rather than later.

Practical steps if you own a property on the bay:

1) Find your original title work (settlement papers).  If a Riparian Grant was issued on the property, it will be attached. Look on the Riparian survey for the “claimed area”. Is it adjacent to, or crossing over the bulkhead area?

2) Read the language in the grant- checking specially for the reverter clause referenced above (not necessarily in all grants).

3) If the reverter clause is in the grant and you have installed a new bulkhead that sits beyond the original bulkhead, it’s important to determine if  any action is required.  A current survey will be needed to show the exact measurements of the new bulkhead, too.

A local title company and land use attorney can help you apply for a Statement of Non-Interest or a Confirmatory Grant from the State of New Jersey.

I am here to provide recommendations for experienced professionals, and answer any questions to the best of my ability.



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Spring Ahead

We are ready…


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There’s still time!

RentSignSingle family home? Condo? Townhouse? Whatever your vacation rental home preference, we have availability for prime summer weeks.

Search our web site:   for a quick overview, and then contact me for more details: 609-967-7950

I am familiar with the properties and locations, and happy to help you find the best option for your family.

Thank you for the opportunity to assist with your plans!


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Beach walker’s report

I was able to check on several beaches along the 7 mile island yesterday.

There was some moderate beach erosion in the south end of Stone Harbor- noticeably at the vehicle drive on ramps on 111th and 123rd Streets (heads up for those with beach vehicle permits!)

At the Catamaran beach south of 123rd Street and toward the point, these was sand loss up to the snow fencing (the wood/wire fencing installed along the beach side of the dunes).  This area is prone to dramatic shifts of sand due to the proximity of the inlet.

In Avalon, I walked at low tide from 9th to 32nd Street, and posted pictures and videos on Twitter.  Other than accumulated marsh grass, the beaches looked good.  The water reached the paths at high tide, but left the sand intact.

The waves in Townsends Inlet were still fierce in the afternoon! Always fun to see the power of Mother Nature.




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Stormy Saturday

The nor’easter from the “west” is now out to sea.

Because it’s the off season, most flying objects are secured (except for a few wayward trash cans and toppled port-a-potties around the island).

Our kayaks tried to escape the driveway even though they are strapped together with several bungie cords!

The tidal flooding was minor, and the beaches appeared in good shape at high tide.

All positive news!


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Monday Views

Extra daylight, warming temperatures, and chirping birds as I set off on my early morning walk. Spring is almost here!


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Wild Wildlife

As I described my fox encounter with co-workers, they joked that I’m the “Jane Goodall” of the island!

An ordinary beach walk in the off season can turn extraordinary with a sighting of a snowy owl, a seal sunning by the jetty rocks, an eagle, or even a spout from a whale viewed on the horizon.

Two weeks ago, I spotted a fox crossing the street while I was waiting for buyers to arrive at a sale property. It was the middle of the day, and the fox looked at me for a few minutes before moving on.

Because I’m now aware of its existence, I didn’t question what I was seeing on Wednesday evening. We were walking in the bike path (ironically to avoid skunks!) and the “Stone Harbor fox” was sitting on the curb.

The fox slowly approached us, even as we backed away.  Yikes!  I guess he thought we had food?

Of course I wanted to take a picture- it’s not true unless you post it on Twitter 😉

So, stay alert on your beach and street walks!




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Beach = Love


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