I am fully aware that I have a unique life.
Yesterday, after my regular morning walk on the beach, I rode my bike to work.
My out of the office business tasks were a just short ride away (the perks of working on an island), and allowed me to enjoy the perfect weather.
My husband and I ate dinner out on the deck. Then we walked down to the beach to watch the full moon rise over the ocean, and over to the bay to see the remaining sunset colors in the sky.
I definitely do not take any of this for granted.
Licenses for Rental Properties
Our local municipalities require annual inspections and licenses for all rental properties.
And, although it can be cumbersome for landlords to comply with the ever changing list of regulations, the ultimate goal is to ensure a safe rental experience for the tenants.
The benefit of a thorough inspection was validated after reading the news article about a tragic fire in the Hamptons. Devastating.
During the summer months, rental agents often trouble shoot the annoying beep of a smoke or CO detector. Owners may be frustrated that an electrician is needed to properly resolve the issue; mainly because hardwired detectors are purposely linked so that all alarms will sound.
Our priority must be compliance with all of the code requirements, as well as a quick response to safety concerns. It’s sad when a tragedy reinforces this fact.