Summer Birds


Recently, I noticed that my year round beach friends are not as skittish when I walk by.

In contrast, the seagulls will practically dare you to trip over them- forcing walkers to move out of THEIR way!

Maybe the oystercatchers are following their lead 🙂


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“Not Fancy”

Yesterday, I left the office for an hour for “maintenance” and was kidding with the young lady at the nail salon not to tell!

Because of my busy summer work schedule, I don’t look at these appointments as a luxury.  In fact, I request the express version so that I can be in and out quickly.

The nail technician knows what I do for a living, and shared a funny observation.  She said that I’m “not fancy” like other real estate agents she knows.

She even clarified her reasoning: it’s because I don’t wear a lot of jewelry, heavy make-up or frilly clothes! Oh, and I don’t have long nails!

Ironically, I usually stop in on a day off in my completely un-fancy mode.  Yesterday, I was at least dressed for work!

I decided to take her observation as a compliment.  I guess my practical appearance reflects my practical personality.

I am who I am 😎



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Monday Views

Comfortable temperatures and low humidity…perfect beach weather!

Happy to help you plan a visit (weekly rental) or a more extended stay (purchase)!


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Islandman Triathlon

The weather cooperated – mostly.

The Avalon Beach Patrol determined that the ocean was too rough for the swim portion (good call…huge waves!)

And the sun returned in time for the finish line.

For race results, visit the Tim Kerr Charities web site


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Thursday Views

Cooler by a Mile…and by the ocean!


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Calling all Procrastinators!

RentSignSo you haven’t planned your shore vacation yet?  That’s fine.

We are prepared for the last minute calls with a variety of rental options.

Search our web site:

OR   call/email me with your request    


Thanks for your interest!





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A Realistic View of the Past

I understand the need to reminisce…especially as we grow older.  We often prefer to focus on the “good old days” and dismiss the realities of our history.

The article in Sunday’s New York Times about the Jersey Shore stirred up a few emotional conversations and comments.

Well, I’m here as the voice of reason!

Avalon in the “good old days” was still sparsely developed, with large land areas covered with marsh grass and reeds.  Trucks regularly rode up and down the streets to spray for mosquitos and green heads (likely DDT or other now banned chemicals!).  The children of the island thought it was fun to run behind the trucks through the “white cloud”- yikes!

Cottages were built low to the ground (more vulnerable to flooding), and often without insulation or central heat (and certainly not air conditioning).  It was an upgrade to have a clothes washer out in the shed!

In the 70s, my sisters and I were grateful for waitressing jobs at the old Whitebrier (20th and the beach). Those were the days before smoke free restaurants.  The smell from second hand smoke was imbedded in our polyester uniforms forever!

By the 1980s, I was selling real estate on the island.  Ironically, even back then buyers grumbled about high sale prices.  I would often hear stories of missed opportunities from years past.

Over the years, and still today, buyers purchasing a modest condo are in awe of the water front property owners.  And, first time buyers are in awe of the condo owners.  The seashore real estate food chain!

Even with the inevitable changes, Avalon and Stone Harbor continue to be premier coastal communities.

And I’m lucky to call the island my home 🙂




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Father’s Day

Repeat Post from 2016-

During a recent move, one of my sisters found so many great old photos from the dark ages (our childhood in the 1960s!)

This one is appropriate for Father’s Day (3 daughters with one more yet to be born).  I’m the one in the middle with the goofy hat…oh wait…

The real estate agent in me has to point out the background:  51st Street in Avalon NJ looking toward the bay- so few houses!


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Father’s Day at the Beach

Original post from Father’s Day 2011. Worthy of a repeat!


Thinking of my father today.  He worked 6 days a week, so Sundays were a sacred day…at the beach.

My dad was blessed with hardy Irish skin that turned dark brown in the summer months.  Sunscreen and the giant yellow umbrella with the lethal metal pole were for the rest of us who just freckled and burned!

My mother laughs when describing all of the equipment hauled to the beach, along with 4 little girls: a large playpen (even heavier than the massive umbrella), beach chairs, buckets, coolers, etc.  And of course, my father’s fishing gear.  At a certain age, my sisters and I were permitted to walk back to the house to retrieve more food and beer for the grown ups (wrapping the beer in foil to trick the lifeguards??)

The Sunday tradition continued with the next generation.  My sons enjoyed beach days with “Pop Pop” and followed the rules at the end of the day: 1) “call” your turn for the outside shower, and 2) hang bathing suits/towels on the line.  All beach items were thoroughly rinsed, set in the sun to dry, and of course, neatly stored by night fall. Even though we grew up by the beach, sand was NEVER permitted in the house!


Long beach days are an ongoing family tradition.  My father’s rules are now enforced at my house (I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown the day this picture was taken…I am my father’s daughter!)

The love of the beach…and family time together.

Thanks Dad.

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Plans for July 4th Week

fireworksRather than compete, the Boroughs of Avalon and Stone Harbor have scheduled their fireworks displays on 2 different nights.

Stone Harbor– on Sunday July 2nd off of the 96th Street beach area- from a barge on the ocean rather than on the beach (and a move from the 80th Street field).  This central location will allow great viewing all along the Stone Harbor beaches.

Avalon– on Tuesday, July 4th off of the 30th Street beach.  Also from a barge on the ocean, allowing easy viewing along the Avalon beaches.

Will post more activity updates closer to the holiday.


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