During the past 30 days, a total of 33 properties SOLD (settlement) in Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ.
The overall median selling price was $999,000.
Of those, 18 were residential homes, ranging from $616,250 for a renovated cottage on Bower Court in Stone Harbor, to $4,550,000 for a newer beach block home on 61st Street in Avalon. Â The median selling price of all single family homes- $1,150,000.
There were 12 condo/townhouse sales, ranging from $256,683 for a 1 bedroom motel/condo conversation at 79th and Dune Drive, to $1,293,000 for a 6 bedroom bay front townhouse style unit on Sunrise Drive in Avalon. Â The median selling price for all condo/townhouse units- $862,250.
2 multi-family properties sold. Â $850,000 for a basic duplex in the 300 block of 95th Street, and $1,100,000 for am old seashore triplex on the 200 block of 88th Street in Stone Harbor.
One sale was designated as a vacant lot- on the bay at 35th Street in Avalon. Â 90′ X 110′ lot with an existing older duplex on the site. Â Purchased by a developer for $1,650,000.
In addition, there are 57 properties sale pending, with closings scheduled in the near future. Â The median listing price of the properties sale pending- $1,699,000 (final selling prices are posted after settlement).
If you have any questions regarding market values in Avalon or Stone Harbor, I am happy to help! Â ann@anndelaney.com
Thank you for your continued interest.
Stone Harbor Tax Revaluation
Stone Harbor property owners received a letter from VITAL Communications in the fall detailing the upcoming Borough wide revaluation.
Representatives from the company will be inspecting properties starting this winter and through the early summer (based on permission for access).
It’s in the owner’s best interest to allow the Vital Communications rep through the home so that accurate data can be posted.
Once the revaluation is complete, the data will be processed by the Borough Tax Assessor’s office for the 2018/2019 tax year.
More information will be posted on the Borough of Stone Harbor’s web site