Sunday Sights

Chilly, less wind, and a beautiful sunrise!


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Avalon/Stone Harbor Prepare for Beach Fill

Check out the engineering tripod on the beach at 32nd Street!

And you may notice the vibration monitors (pictured below) placed in the dunes.  This technology addresses any concerns of potential structural damage of nearby homes from the movement of sand/heavy equipment.

Science at the beach!



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Seven Mile Beach Replenishment

The equipment is starting to arrive at the south end of Stone Harbor for the initial phase of the island beach fill project.

Once started, the project is expected run 24/7 and then head north to Avalon.

Read:  announcement from the Borough of Stone Harbor   and announcement from the Borough of Avalon

I will also post updates/pictures in the coming weeks!


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January Views

When the subject of winter weather comes up among  year round residents, the most common statement I hear (and say) is:

“I don’t mind the cold…but, ugh, the wind!”   Grateful for the calm, sunny January days 🙂


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Why So Many Demolitions?

This is a question asked often by long time property owners.

There are several answers:

1) The owner of an existing modest home wants to expand, but encounters the reality of new flood elevation regulations and construction codes.

2) A builder/developer purchases an older home in a prime location and pays a premium for the land.  The architect designs a home to take advantage of views and permitted square footage.

3) The current structure is a non-confirming use- for example a duplex in a residential zone.  In order for the property owner to make any size changes (referred to as cubic content in the zoning laws), the building must convert to current zoning.  The owners have to weigh the costs of a substantial remodel (typically including lifting the structure to meet elevation codes) versus building new.



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Stone Harbor Tax Revaluation

taxesStone Harbor property owners received a letter from VITAL Communications in the fall detailing the upcoming Borough wide revaluation.

Representatives from the company will be inspecting properties starting this winter and through the early summer (based on permission for access).

It’s in the owner’s best interest to allow the Vital Communications rep through the home so that accurate data can be posted.

Once the revaluation is complete, the data will be processed by the Borough Tax Assessor’s office for the 2018/2019 tax year.

More information will be posted on the Borough of Stone Harbor’s web site

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Market Stats

salesignDuring the past 30 days, a total of 33 properties SOLD (settlement) in Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ.

The overall median selling price was $999,000.

Of those, 18 were residential homes, ranging from $616,250 for a renovated cottage on Bower Court in Stone Harbor, to $4,550,000 for a newer beach block home on 61st Street in Avalon.  The median selling price of all single family homes- $1,150,000.

There were 12 condo/townhouse sales, ranging from $256,683 for a 1 bedroom motel/condo conversation at 79th and Dune Drive, to $1,293,000 for a 6 bedroom bay front townhouse style unit on Sunrise Drive in Avalon.  The median selling price for all condo/townhouse units- $862,250.

2 multi-family properties sold.  $850,000 for a basic duplex in the 300 block of 95th Street, and $1,100,000 for am old seashore triplex on the 200 block of 88th Street in Stone Harbor.

One sale was designated as a vacant lot- on the bay at 35th Street in Avalon.  90′ X 110′ lot with an existing older duplex on the site.  Purchased by a developer for $1,650,000.

In addition, there are 57 properties sale pending, with closings scheduled in the near future.  The median listing price of the properties sale pending- $1,699,000 (final selling prices are posted after settlement).

If you have any questions regarding market values in Avalon or Stone Harbor, I am happy to help!

Thank you for your continued interest.



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Happy New Year!

20161230_121350Thank you…for following along on my shore life adventures throughout 2016.

Wishing us all a happy (and healthy!) 2017

See you on the beach 🙂

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The Real Seashore Santa

This entry was originally posted Christmas 2008. I think it deserves an annual repeat.

Santa– the life size painted, cut out version- has been an important part of Christmas for as long as I can remember.

santa2Santa began his life of service in the early 1960’s at my parents’ first house in Avalon.  He was surrounded by big, multi-colored bulbs on the newly planted shrubs.  Inside that modest Golden Home rancher, 4 little girls hung their stockings on a cardboard fireplace with a plug in red bulb that magically turned the metal wheel to create “fire” .

In the 1970’s, Santa moved with our family 5 blocks south in Avalon to a larger, 2 story home with a real wood fireplace.  The colorful exterior lights were eventually replaced with more subtle white bulbs, but the spot light literally remained on Santa.

In the off season, Santa hung proudly on the garage wall- watching us all come and go.  Those little girls grew up and moved out, bringing back grandchildren for days on the beach.  In the 1980’s, my young sons were fascinated by Santa, and maybe a bit intimidated based on our attempts to use him for improved behavior!

When my parents downsized to a townhouse in the early 1990’s, my father asked if I wanted Santa for our home.  Of course, I was thrilled- and Santa didn’t complain as he was forced to leave Avalon and move “off shore”.

Santa loyally followed us on each move- knowing that he would be given a prominent position (with a flood light) at Christmas.   Several years ago, he gratefully moved back to the island to become a Stone Harbor resident!

Now approaching 50 years old, Santa is showing some signs of wear (aren’t we all).  I thought about asking an artist to do a “touch up”, but it just doesn’t seem right.   It’s good to remember that so much time has passed- it helps us to celebrate the journey.

Merry Christmas!


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Better Beach Walks

For the last 4+ months (but who’s counting!) my favorite activities have been limited due to an issue with my back.

No kayaking, and only brief beach walks.  My simple routines before and after work have been on hold.

Thankfully, a solution is in sight!

It will be quiet here (and on Twitter) for a few days as I recuperate, but I am looking forward to boring you once again with beautiful island views by the New Year 🙂




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