Tuesday Break

A major perk of living AND working by the beach: a quick break to see the ocean!


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Election Day

As one of 920 registered voters in Stone Harbor, I KNOW my vote counts!


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Sunday Sights


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Avalon Fishing Pier

The extension is complete, and the pier is once again over the ocean!



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October Real Estate Stats

salesignAnother active month of sales in Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ!

During the past 30 days, a total of 41 properties SOLD (settlement) with an overall median selling price of $1,440,000

13 of the sales were for condo/townhouse style units, ranging from a 1st floor 3 bedroom condo over the 21st Street bridge for $400,000; to a newer bay front townhouse style (side by side) on 20th Street for $1,725,000.  The median selling price of all condo/townhouse units- $799,000

27 of the sales were for single family homes, ranging from a small cottage on Linden Lane in Stone Harbor for $425,000; to a custom 3 level bay front home with a pool on Fifth Avenue in Avalon for $4,750,000.  The median selling price of all single family homes- $1,612,500

1 sale was posted as a multi-family (duplex) at 160- 84th Street, Stone Harbor. Purchased by a builder and torn down (land value sale) for $1,250,000

In addition, there are 86 properties sale pending, with an overall median list price of $1,399,000 (final selling prices are posted after settlement).

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding market values in Avalon or Stone Harbor NJ.  ann@anndelaney.com  609-967-7950

Thank you for your interest!



Posted in Avalon, New Jersey- News, Seashore Real Estate, Stone Harbor, New Jersey- News | Comments closed


Noticed a jack o’ lantern face in the clouds this morning!  Avalon NJ


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Stone Harbor Bridge

A structural crack was discovered late yesterday on the 96th Street draw bridge.  The bridge is closed until repairs made- likely after the weekend.

Fortunately, the Ocean Drive bridge via North Wildwood Boulevard is no longer charging tolls (closed for the winter).

UPDATE 11/1/16- the repairs are expected to take at least 1 week.  


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Fall Weather at the Shore

Yesterday- “I can’t believe it’s so hot”.

Today- “Ugh, it’s so damp and cold”.

A picture from yesterday to hold us over 🙂



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Tax Evaluations

Both Avalon and Stone Harbor have scheduled a tax re-evaluation for all properties within the municipality.

Property owners will receive notice, and a request for inspection.  It’s always in your best interest for the tax assessor to see the interior so that you are credited with the correct amenities.

Once the evaluations are complete, the tax rate will be adjusted accordingly.

The communities are required to maintain tax assessments within a close percentage of fair market value.

Posted in Avalon, New Jersey- News, Seashore Real Estate, Stone Harbor, New Jersey- News | Comments closed

Ready for Winter?

Hard to imagine on a day like today…but it WILL eventually turn colder!

Is your shore house prepared for winter?

frozenpipesThe combination of cold temperatures and high winds causes exposed pipes to freeze.  Outside showers and non-frost proof hose nozzles must be shut off and drained.  Disconnect all hoses (water in the hose will expand and crack even the frost proof nozzle).

If you leave your inside water on, set the heat between 55 and 60 degrees, and open the cabinet doors under all sinks to allow warm air to circulate around the pipes.

Close the crawl space vents and access doors (re-open in the spring to allow air flow under the house).

Purchase a “watchman” red light from the local hardware store (a thermostat connected to the light will indicate if the inside temperature falls below 45 degrees).  And, provide the police with your contact information.

Or, hire someone to regularly inspect your property to make sure the heat is functioning.  Based on last winter…this is money well spent.

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