Islandman Triathlon

Always a great event!

For race results:  TK Charities web site  or   DQ Events


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Tuesday’s Storm

Phones were beeping late Tuesday afternoon warning us of a possible tornado.  Not a normal weather alert at the shore!

We watched the sky turn black, the wind pick up, and then torrential sideways rain.  Crazy views from my office window.

Thankfully, it was a quick moving storm and caused mostly nuisance damage (deck furniture, awnings, trash cans, and a few trees).  Minor street flooding drained within the hour.

I noticed a story circulating about a reverse tsunami (?) and a picture of beach damage.  I believe the picture was ACTUALLY taken in January after winter storm Jonas.  Beaches here are fine (beach picture taken Tuesday evening).

FloodingTree Beach

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Important Info for Bay Owners

I attended a seminar this morning with important information regarding bay front ownership.

Some Riparian Grants issued between the late 1980s through the early 2000s have the following language:

“This grant is made upon the condition and limitation that there shall be no further filling of the presently flowed tidelands.  If any filling does occur within the presently flowed tidelands herein granted, the title to the lands conveyed herein shall immediately and automatically revert to the ownership of the State of New Jersey, but without any diminution in the consideration paid upon the delivery of this instrument.”

When a property owner installs a new bulkhead (which typically extends out 24″ from the existing bulkhead based on current zoning), the State defines the added 24″ as  “filling”.  And YES, even if the required DEP and/or CAFRA permits were obtained.

The Department of Tidelands has a new regime, and this enforcement is viewed by attorneys and title company representatives as a method to generate revenue.  Frustrating to say the least!

Bottom line: the State of New Jersey expects the land owner to “buy back” this filled area, even though a large sum of money was paid for the original Riparian Grant.  

Unfortunately, the issue will not go away.  Even if a bay front owner has no plans to sell, their heirs will eventually face the problem.  And because the cost to resolve is based on the value of the land, it makes sense to remove the lien sooner rather than later.

Practical steps if you own a property on the bay:

1) Find your original title work (settlement papers).  If a Riparian Grant was issued on the property, it will be attached.

2) Read the language in the grant- checking specially for the reverter clause referenced above (not necessarily in all grants).

3) If the reverter clause is in the grant, and you have installed a new bulkhead that sits out beyond the original bulkhead, it’s important to move forward with a resolution.  A current survey will be needed to show the exact measurements of the new bulkhead, too.

A local title company and land use attorney can help you apply for a Statement of Non-Interest or a Confirmatory Grant from the State of New Jersey.

I am here to provide recommendations for experienced professionals, and answer any questions to the best of my ability.







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Monday Views

A surfer, several dolphins, and even whales in the far distance (based on the visible water spouts).   Nice way to start the day…


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Father’s Day, continued…

I wrote this post in 2011- worthy of an annual repeat!

DadThinking of my father today.  He worked 6 days a week, so Sundays were a sacred day…at the beach.

My dad was blessed with hardy Irish skin that turned dark brown in the summer months.  Suntan lotion (we didn’t call it sunscreen back then) and the giant yellow umbrella with the lethal metal pole were for the rest of us who just freckled and burned.

My mother laughs when describing all of the equipment hauled to the beach, along with 4 little girls: a large playpen (even heavier than the massive umbrella), beach chairs, buckets, coolers, etc.  Plus, my father’s fishing gear.  At a certain age, my sisters and I were permitted to walk back to the house to retrieve more food and beer for the grown ups (wrapping the beer in foil to trick the lifeguards??)

The Sunday tradition continued with the next generation.  My sons enjoyed beach days with “Pop Pop” and followed the rules at the end of the day: 1) “Call” your turn for the outside shower, and 2) hang bathing suits/towels on the line.  All beach items were thoroughly rinsed, set in the sun to dry, and of course, neatly stored by night fall. Even though we grew up by the beach, sand was NEVER permitted in the house!

yardLong beach days are an ongoing family tradition.  My father’s rules are now enforced at my house (I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown the day this picture was taken…I am my father’s daughter!)

The love of the beach…and family time together.

Thanks Dad.

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Father’s Day

During a recent move, one of my sisters found so many great old photos from the dark ages (our childhood in the 1960s!)

This one is appropriate for Father’s Day (3 daughters with one more to come).  I’m the one in the middle with the goofy hat…oh wait…

The real estate agent in me has to point out the background:  51st Street in Avalon looking toward the bay- so few houses!


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Islandman Triathlon June 25th

It’s that time of year again- The Islandman Triathlon (a Tim Kerr Charities event).

Race Director Midge Kerr, needs traffic volunteers along the bike course.  This is a closed course event for the safety of the participants (when you see how fast the riders pass, you will understand!)

Saturday, June 25th between 7:15am and 9:45am. Coverage requested for each block on Avalon and First Avenues along the course.

Volunteers will receive 2 FREE logo shirts (a t-shirt plus a technical long sleeve shirt), plus witness a fun event!

Please let me know if you are available to help:

For more information regarding the triathlon:

Tim Kerr Charities Web Site  or contact Midge directly:



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Quotes of the Day

Fred Rogers, Mister Roger’s Neighborhood…

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers–so many caring people in this world.”

“Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.”

“Most of us, I believe, admire strength. It’s something we tend to respect in others, desire for ourselves, and wish for our children. Sometimes, though, I wonder if we confuse strength and other words–like aggression and even violence. Real strength is neither male nor female; but is, quite simply, one of the finest characteristics that any human being can possess.”


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Observations While Walking

As mentioned in an April post, several American oystercatchers have established residency in the south end of Stone Harbor and the Point.

In recent weeks, I noticed a lone oystercatcher wandering the sand. Because I always see the birds in pairs, I thought he/she lost a mate?

This morning, I was glad to see the “single” bird joined with another pair.  Maybe a #sisterwives arrangement 😉




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