Yes, it was a terrible storm. Â And many sections of town were hit especially hard from the extreme tides.
YET…we live on an island. Â And it’s not that uncommon for water to spend time beyond its typical borders.
After all of the media attention, it’s important to know:
1) Store owners are already on site cleaning up and putting everything back in order
2) The water has drained – thanks to our sandy soil!
3) Homes built within the last 30 years or so are elevated for this very reason
4) The Boroughs of Avalon and Stone Harbor are committed to beach restoration, and will make the necessary repairs to allow safe access across the dune paths
So please share the news that our beautiful little island is resilient and open for business!
I will take more pictures this afternoon and post to Twitter (below is First Avenue in Stone Harbor).
Follow the time line of today’s island tour: Â AnnDelaneyBeach on Twitter
Remnants from Jonas
Marsh grass, mulch, and muddy debris…Mother Nature’s gifts after the tide receded.
If water entered your garage (see picture below with water line evident on foundation), it’s important to clean the surfaces (not just let it dry)- otherwise it will smell fishy when the weather warms!
The snow and ice a few days prior created icebergs of lawn stones that were then carried by the tide throughout the streets. Â The Borough is busy cleaning those streets now.
Will take more pictures today and post to Twitter: Â @anndelaneybeach