January Market Stats

Summary of real estate sales in Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ for the month of January, 2016

salesignA total of 33 properties SOLD (settlement):

2 commercial properties- a store front at 20th and Dune Drive in Avalon for $325,000; and a multi-store site at 97th and Third Avenue in Stone Harbor for $1,252,500.

3 properties classified as vacant lots (although all 3 had existing structures that will be demolished)-  an undersized beach block lot on 84th Street for $1,250,000; a 60′ lot on 62nd Street for $1,250,000; and a bay front double lot on Golden Gate Road for $5,700,000.

9 condo/townhouse style properties- ranging from a 2 bedroom unit at The Avalon Condos (7th and First Avenue) for $489,000; to a bay front new construction 3 level side by side style unit on Sunrise Drive in Avalon for $1,695,000.  The median selling price for all condo townhouse units- $830,000.

19 single family homes sold- ranging from an older upside down style with inlet views on 7th Street for $990,000; to a bay front old seashore home situated on a double lot on Sunset Drive in Stone Harbor for $4,500,000.  The median selling price of all single family homes- $2,088,000.

In addition, there are 45 properties sale pending, with a median listing price of $1,095,000 (final selling prices are posted after settlement).

If you have any questions regarding market values in Avalon or Stone Harbor, I am happy to help.

ann@anndelaney.com  or 609-967-7950

Thank you for your continued interest!

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Monday Sunrise


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Beach Access

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it!

Between several beach walks and a beach drive, I have personally checked all 7+ miles of beach on the island after last weekend’s storm.

Getting on and off the beach can be challenging due to erosion at the paths.  Please don’t try to jump- it only causes more sand to crumble from the path.

Best bet for access is from one of the pavilions with a ramp, or a vehicle access driveway.

If you have any questions about a particular area of beach, I am happy to provide my comments.  Also, check my Twitter feed  for beach pictures from all locations.


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Crawl Space and Air Conditioning Compressors

Two important items to check after last weekend’s storm:

1) If salt water entered your crawl space, check for wet insulation.  If you suspect that any water touched the insulation, have it removed and replaced.  Insulation never “dries” and could eventually allow mold to grow on the floor boards above.

2) Most air conditioning compressors, heat pumps, and the electrical junction boxes are mounted on raised platforms- but not always high enough to avoid the water.  Ask your HVAC company to inspect.  Salt water will corrode the system.



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Shore Property Owners

HouseShould you ride down and check your shore house?  YES

Even if your property is not located in a flood prone area, the entire island experienced high winds and an extended power outage last weekend.

Important to:

1) Make sure your heat is functioning properly

2) Check your yard for debris or damage from flying objects.

3) Locate your wayward trash cans

4) Place any water logged items to the curb for a special bulk trash pick up

Plus, the weekend weather forecast looks perfect for a beach visit!



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Remnants from Jonas

Marsh grass, mulch, and muddy debris…Mother Nature’s gifts after the tide receded.

If water entered your garage (see picture below with water line evident on foundation), it’s important to clean the surfaces (not just let it dry)- otherwise it will smell fishy when the weather warms!

The snow and ice a few days prior created icebergs of lawn stones that were then carried by the tide throughout the streets.  The Borough is busy cleaning those streets now.

Will take more pictures today and post to Twitter:  @anndelaneybeach





Posted in Avalon, New Jersey- News, Life at the Shore, Seashore Real Estate, Stone Harbor, New Jersey- News | Comments closed


Yes, it was a terrible storm.  And many sections of town were hit especially hard from the extreme tides.

YET…we live on an island.  And it’s not that uncommon for water to spend time beyond its typical borders.

After all of the media attention, it’s important to know:

1) Store owners are already on site cleaning up and putting everything back in order

2) The water has drained – thanks to our sandy soil!

3) Homes built within the last 30 years or so are elevated for this very reason

4) The Boroughs of Avalon and Stone Harbor are committed to beach restoration, and will make the necessary repairs to allow safe access across the dune paths

So please share the news that our beautiful little island is resilient and open for business!

I will take more pictures this afternoon and post to Twitter (below is First Avenue in Stone Harbor).

Follow the time line of today’s island tour:  AnnDelaneyBeach on Twitter





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Back to the Beach

Because I will be out of town during “Jonas” I asked my husband to take a few pictures for Twitter.

I rarely take off on weekends – that’s when we’re busy with sale and rental business.  Yet I doubt I will miss anything THIS weekend…other than storm chasing adventures!

Instead, I will tweet updates from snowy New York City.  And, will be back to the beach Sunday night (weather permitting).




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Snowy Sunrise

With all of our focus on the weekend storm…this morning’s snow preview was a surprise!


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Coastal Storm?

Weather rumblings for a nasty weekend storm.  Hopefully by now, your shore house is prepared for the winter ahead.

But just in case-

Are the trash cans and your outdoor furniture stored or secured?

Likewise for storm/screen doors, as well as the door for the outside shower.

Heat set between 55 – 60 degrees?

If you decide to ride down AFTER a snow storm, keep in mind the snow plows (well, Borough trash trucks with plows attached!) will clear the center of the street…creating a wall of snow in front of driveways.  Wear your boots and bring a snow shovel for access to your home.

When is spring???

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