Rental Properties

I have been taking advantage of the sunny fall days to update exterior and interior photos of rental listings using our new office camera.  Tenants booking online often ask for my opinion, so it’s important to regularly walk through the properties to view any updates and the condition.

Whether a home is 3 years old or 30 years old, well maintained = clean carpets and furniture, newer mattresses and bed coverings, a functional kitchen, and comfortable deck furniture.

Tenants do not want to see marked up walls, stains on the rugs, faded sofas, or a rusty gas grill.  And I would rather not use the word “tired” when describing a property to a potential tenant.

I am happy to help with recommendations.








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Monday Sunrise

Beautiful morning.  Comfortable temperatures, a calm ocean, and dolphins!


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Thinking of Paris

10491079_698426360227467_7874219030205054908_nI put my jacket on this morning, and touched the Euro that’s been in the pocket since our trip to France last fall.

I wore the coat in Paris, and the coin has been a nice reminder of our time there.

Today, it’s especially meaningful.


Travel post from France Trip


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November Sky

Incredible colors to start, and end each day.



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A Slower Pace

High tide this morning = walking in the soft sand.  That slowed my pace…as did the views!


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Holiday Planning

TreeJoin family and friends on Seven Mile Beach for the fun holiday events.

Thanksgiving Weekend- November 27th through November 29th

For a complete schedule:

Avalon Chamber of Commerce

Stone Harbor Chamber of Commerce

Hope to see you around town!




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Saturday Sun


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Warm to Cold

Loving the warm November temperatures, but we all know it will EVENTUALLY turn cold.

So repeating my check list to prepare your shore house for winter:

1) close crawl space vents (to prevent cold air from circulating under the house and freezing the pipes)

2) turn off and drain the outside shower and faucets

3) remove hoses from the frost free faucets

4) turn the heat on low if you are not completely winterizing the inside pipes

5) open the cabinet doors under all sinks to allow warm air to flow around the pipes

6) turn off the main water valve if possible to minimize damage in the event of a leak

7) turn off the water valves to the washer

8) unplug small appliances

9) lock all windows and doors- and secure storm doors and outside shower doors so they don’t blow open in the wind

If you are unable to check on your shore house on a regular basis, I recommend a winter watch service to provide peace of mind.  Happy to share contact info for reliable inspectors.

P.S. Followed my own advice and crossed most of our “winter ready” chores off the list yesterday, including the least favorite job of closing the crawl space vents.  This involves me on a skateboard (we have a cement floor in the crawl) trying not to bang my head as I scoot around! 

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With approximately 800 registered voters in my shore town, I KNOW my vote counts!


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Trick or Treat

The shore version:

PumpkinSand“Back in the day” we would climb into our father’s station wagon and set off for the night to fill our pillow cases.

There were the popular stops: the local candy shop owner’s home, and what we considered the mansions of Avalon’s prominent citizens.  Full size candy bars guaranteed!!

As a local business man, our father understood the necessity of networking. Trick or Treat was occasionally sidetracked with a discussion about a job or estimate.  His daughters would whine to move him along!

Even when we were satisfied with our haul, the night was not over until we visited all of the year round relatives, friends, and business associates (in other words…most of the houses with lights).

Back home, the 4 girls would sort their candy and trade for favorites.  One was even known to inventory, categorize, and store away her stash through most of the winter (ahem…that was me).

Happy Halloween  🙂



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