Ocean Waves

The participants of the 19th Annual Nuns’ Beach Surf Contest are hoping for improvement. The first heat starts at 9am on Saturday: Villa Maria by the Sea, 111th Street, Stone Harbor.  The kind Sisters will be on hand selling coffee and Nuns’ Beach wear to the spectators.  Funds raised help maintain the landmark building and grounds.

In the meantime, I’m taking advantage of the lack of waves by ocean kayaking!

I see tons of dolphins when I walk the beach.  Yet, 3 times out kayaking…and not a dolphin to be found.  I guess they are waiting for the waves, too 😉




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Just An Ordinary Day?

My before work  routine is like most:  start a load of wash, straighten up the house, pack lunches, and read the paper while eating breakfast.

Oh, and I also check the wind direction and tide to decide between a beach walk or kayaking!

This morning the bay was like glass…with the clouds reflecting off of the water.  Just beautiful!




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Sitting on the dock of the bay…

Vacation time for the shore birds.  They have complete access to the beach and bay without being bothered by pesky humans (except one in a kayak trying to take a picture!)

Wikipedia confirms that these dock side visitors are Caspian Terns.


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Labor Day at Stone Harbor Point

Perfect grand finale to a beautiful summer.


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Race Day

Excellent weather and turn out for the annual 7 Mile Island Run/5K race.  For race results:  Tim Kerr Charities Web Site


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Labor Day Weekend

Cheer up…plenty of beach days left!


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Tim Kerr 7 Mile/5K Run

7milerunlogoThe 27th annual Tim Kerr 7 Mile Island Run and 5K Run/Walk – Sunday September 6th.

Registration and packet pick up on Saturday from 3pm to 6pm at the Avalon Community Hall (30th and the beach); and again Sunday morning  7am to 8:20am (same day registration is permitted).

Race starts at 8:30am.   Over 1,000 participants expected.

For more details: Tim Kerr Charities Web Site


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Atlantic City Air Show

Spent the day on the beach yesterday.  But no ordinary beach day…the annual Atlantic City Air Show.

Perfect weather and water temperature, plus an exciting show!

airshow6Airshow5airshow4Airshow3 Airshow2AirShow1

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Month of August- Market Update

Busy month!

salesignIn the past 30 days, a total of 36 properties sold (settlement) in Avalon and Stone Harbor.

Breakdown by classification:

23 single family homes, ranging from an older rancher on 15th Street for $860,000, to a custom bay front home at 107th and Sunset Drive for $3,118,750.  The median selling price of all single family homes- $1,787,500.

10 condo/townhouse style units, ranging from a 1 bedroom condo at 96th and the bay for $227,500, to a 3 bedroom townhouse style on the bay at 80th Street for $1,150,000.  The median selling price of all condo/townhouse units- $665,000.

1 vacant lot-  a bay front double lot on the 400 block of 20th Street- $2,500,000.

1 multifamily- older duplex on the corner of 30th and First Avenue sold for land value- $1,025,000.

1 commercial unit- 83rd and Third Avenue- a store front and apartment- $480,000.

Plus, there are an additional 81 properties sale pending with settlements scheduled in the near future.  The median asking price of all those sale pending- $1,395,000.

If you have any questions regarding market values in Avalon or Stone Harbor, I am happy to help.  ann@anndelaney.com

Thank you for your interest and referrals.  I appreciate the business!

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Atlantic City Air Show

BlueAngelsLast night, we were treated to a quick preview of the annual Atlantic City Air Show: the Blue Angels flying overhead!

It’s a great show- and worthwhile even if you just find a spot on the beach in Ventnor.

For more details:  AC Air Show web site

I’ll be there Wednesday…and will Tweet from the beach 🙂


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