How’s Business?

It’s been an incredible 2015.  I am so grateful for the repeat customers, referrals, and new business this year.

BaySo, what’s selling?

An ocean front, 2 beach block properties, 2 bay front properties, several newer homes in various locations, townhouse style condos, and a few modest homes on prime lots.

Selling prices range from the low $400,000’s to well over $3 million.

My time in real estate continues to pass quickly.  I sold a bay front home to a couple in 1985; and was able to help with the sale again in 2015. A mere 30 years!

Many of my sales are with long time customers.  I value the years of trust and friendship.

If you would like a market update for Avalon or Stone Harbor, I am here to help:   609-967-7950  or





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Family Reunion

Family copyThe MANY descendants of a young lad from Northern Ireland, and a wee girl from the Republic of Ireland gathered yesterday at the Cape May County Park.

Their 6 children pictured (1 died as an infant) expanded the family even more with 21 grandchildren.

The 2 surviving daughters (on either end of the picture) attended the reunion, as well as 2 wives of sons who passed, almost all of the grandchildren and their spouses, and many great grandchildren.

The family ties to Avalon, Stone Harbor, and Ocean City go way back, and continue today with the younger generation.

Fun to laugh about childhood memories, and confirm that  “Yes, I was Grandmom’s favorite” 😉



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Friday Night Light

Pink sky!  Have a good weekend.


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Cooler by a Mile…

Avalon’s slogan is true today.  Air conditioning is off!


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Saturday Sights

I started my Saturday on the bay…and finished it on the beach.  With a crazy, busy work day in between!



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Peaceful Views

A true summer “retreat”.

Villa Maria by the Sea:  the vacation/retreat house for the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 111th Street and the beach.  A beautiful Stone Harbor landmark, and exclusive location to purchase all of your Nuns’ Beach wear 🙂


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Once in a Blue Moon

Friday, at 8:14pm, watch the full moon rise over the ocean (sunset is at 8:12pm, so beautiful views both east and west!).


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Previewing Bay Houses

Early morning kayaking before work: a completely different perspective of bay properties from this angle!


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Summer Views

surfing copy

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Saying hello!

Yes, that was me carrying a bottle of wine (unopened) on my morning beach walk.

One of my faithful blog readers is here on vacation.  In previous years, she dropped off thoughtful gifts from her home state.

This year, she suggested saying hello at the beach.  Her rental street is convenient to my walking turn around point, so it worked well for a brief hello (and she gave me a bottle from one of their local wineries).

Such a nice start to the day 🙂


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