Brendan’s Fund

brendanborekI am proud to support The Brendan Borek High Tides Memorial Fund: a grass roots organization helping Cape May County pediatric cancer patients and their families since 1992.

So many opportunities to participate and contribute.  For the complete list of activities, visit the web site, or the office/store at 2170 Dune Drive, Avalon.

The final surf memorial on August 1st will mark the 25th anniversary of the event.  Tickets for the Reunion Beef and Beer are available on a limited basis.

Brendan’s legacy will live on through a partnership with CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia).  The Brendan Borek Endowment Fund will continue to assist children and families in Cape May and Atlantic Counties.

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Vacation Homes

I’m spoiled.

Selling homes along the coast is different from real estate in a primary market.  This is fun purchase…a dream come true.  And I am lucky to share in the excitement and help with the process.

I navigate the details (flood insurance, riparian rights, zoning issues, inspections, appraisals, lender requests, title work, elevation certificates, etc.) while the buyers make plans for future use.

However, some sales are very emotional.

Later today, I have settlement on a bay front home that I sold to the current owners in 1985. The sellers enjoyed 30 years of family use, but felt it was time to sell.  It’s a huge decision-often upsetting family and friends who have benefited from shore vacations!

A hard day for the sellers, yet exciting for the young family purchasing the house and looking forward to life on the bay.





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Summer Walks

The ideal way to start, and finish my day.


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Just Because…

Beautiful day.  South end Stone Harbor- catamaran beach.


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Sunday Sights

Heavy rain, clearing skies, and then the sun.  Oh, and a Portuguese Man O’ War (actually 2) found at the south end of Stone Harbor!

From a distance, I thought the first one was a colorful ziplock bag (and walked over to pick it up and throw it away).  Thankfully, I read the recent posts from Long Beach Island and instead just took pictures!

MONDAY UPDATE: The Wetlands Institute confirmed via Twitter – “Portuguese man of war. They can come ashore in NJ when northerly and north easterly winds pushing the Gulf Stream on shore”.




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Shore Weather

The Avalon Beach Patrol made the decision to cancel the swim portion of today’s triathlon due to rough surf.

Otherwise, reasonable weather for the participants in this morning’s event.




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Islandman Triathlon Sat 6/27

IslandmanTomorrow morning:  The 10th Annual Islandman Triathlon (a Tim Kerr Charities event).

This is a closed course event for the safety of the participants (when you see how fast the bike riders pass, you will understand!)

Road closures on Saturday, June 27th between 7:15am and 9:45am.

For more information regarding the event:  Tim Kerr Charities Web Site


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Pumping Sand

The sand is flowing on to the north end Avalon beaches.  It’s a fun process to watch (this is the view from 11th Street looking north toward the 8th Street jetty).

The project will run 24/7, and continue moving south to 25th Street.  Beaches on either side of the work area will be closed for safety reasons.

Quick video:  click here



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Keeping Cool


Re-post from last summer- basic info still applies!

Yesterday, there was water leaking into our office.  Hard wired smoke detectors in the path of the water shorted out, and blared off and on for several hours (fun on a Saturday change over day!)

The cause?  The inside air conditioning component (the blower) for the condo above our office iced up and shut down (occupants complained earlier that the A/C stopped working).  When this happens, the ice has to melt (and drain somewhere) before the HVAC can be repaired.

Unfortunately, we see this issue every summer (with refrigerators AND air conditioning units)- especially when the humidity is high.  A tenant/visitor arrives to a property, turns on the air, and cranks down the thermostat (believing that the house will cool faster if the thermostat is set at 65 rather than 72 degrees). Much to their frustration, the unit freezes up, and shuts down.

Similar circumstances with refrigerators. The empty space is loaded with room temperature food.   The cool air escapes while the door is open.  And when it doesn’t seem cold enough a short time later, the tenant/visitor turns the dial all the way down.  Like the HVAC system, the appliance freezes up and shuts down.  Turning the dial back to a medium setting is the solution.

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Saturday Sights

The sky cleared during my early morning walk.  Enjoy the weekend!


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