I’m spoiled.
Selling homes along the coast is different from real estate in a primary market.  This is fun purchase…a dream come true.  And I am lucky to share in the excitement and help with the process.
I navigate the details (flood insurance, riparian rights, zoning issues, inspections, appraisals, lender requests, title work, elevation certificates, etc.) while the buyers make plans for future use.
However, some sales are very emotional.
Later today, I have settlement on a bay front home that I sold to the current owners in 1985. The sellers enjoyed 30 years of family use, but felt it was time to sell.  It’s a huge decision-often upsetting family and friends who have benefited from shore vacations!
A hard day for the sellers, yet exciting for the young family purchasing the house and looking forward to life on the bay.
Brendan’s Fund
So many opportunities to participate and contribute.  For the complete list of activities, visit the web site, or the office/store at 2170 Dune Drive, Avalon.
The final surf memorial on August 1st will mark the 25th anniversary of the event. Â Tickets for the Reunion Beef and Beer are available on a limited basis.
Brendan’s legacy will live on through a partnership with CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia). Â The Brendan Borek Endowment Fund will continue to assist children and families in Cape May and Atlantic Counties.