Winter Warriors

Those of us who live at the shore like to think of ourselves as rugged pioneers…well, with flat screen TV’s and heated homes. 

The locals agree that so far, it’s been a mild winter.  One life long Avalon resident mentioned yesterday that he was surfing earlier in the week- feeling warm in his winter wet suit.   And then he expressed dislike for our common enemy: the WIND!

While we can’t imagine life without our comfortable summer breeze, in the winter months, we prefer the rare calm day.

Maybe it’s the sound of the wind that drives us crazy?  It roars through like a freight train, causing our homes to shake and crackle.  We hear our neighbor’s trash cans rolling down the street, or their outside shower door bang repetitively through the night. 

But then we wake to a colorful morning sky. We bundle up and walk to the beach in time for sunrise.  The wind isn’t so bad if we stay close to the dunes.  And the sun is starting to warm us up a bit.  The “winter warriors”  are ready to face another day 😉

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