Beach Parade

You know you live in a small town…when say hello by name to those participating in the annual Christmas Parade!


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Beach Walks

The soft sand is now (frozen) hard sand.  Easier to walk closer to the dunes while searching for the snowy owl 😉


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Stop by…

Power Play Realty coolers for Festive Friday.  29th and Dune Drive, Avalon.  Stop in and say hello  🙂


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Okay- Now on to Christmas!

A full schedule of holiday events today and tomorrow.  Bundle up and enjoy!


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Thankful All Year Long…


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Snow Fencing

We call it “snow” fencing.  And yes, occasionally the wooden slats are surrounded by snow (see posts from last winter!)

But the real purpose of our snow fencing is to capture blowing sand and build protective dunes along the shore front.

Take note the next time you walk along one of the beach paths- you will see the mostly buried zig zag lines of fencing from years past.




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Giving Thanks

ThanksgivingFor Thanksgiving, 3 local charities/institutions worthy of your support:

Brendan Borek High Tides Memorial Fund:  2170 Dune Drive, Avalon NJ 08202

Helen L. Diller Vacation Home for Blind Children:  127 26th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202

Villa Maria by the Sea– the summer retreat house for The Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary :  Philadelphia Inquirer article August 2014  11101 Second Avenue, Stone Harbor, NJ 08247


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Different, yet Alike

RehobothAlways interesting to spend time in another beach community- especially in the off season.

We arrived to Rehoboth Beach Wednesday evening for a 2 night stay, and noticed many restaurants open AND filled with customers. On a bitter cold, mid-week night in November?

This was our third November/December visit in recent years; and I’ve been impressed each time to see restaurants and retail shops open (and thriving) year round.

I compared year round populations:  Rehoboth Beach 1556; Avalon 1334, and Stone Harbor 886.  Could it be that more of our year round residents “fly south” than those living in Rehoboth?  Or is it the chicken/egg dilemma: if more Avalon, Stone Harbor hotels and businesses stayed open, would we see more visitors?  Or, are the nearby shopping outlets (10 minutes outside of Rehoboth) the big draw?  And if so, do we really want excessive commercial development in our area?

There is no easy answer.  I feel for the new business owners who pledge to stay open year round…only to discover the lack of help, and customers come November.

As full time residents, we make an effort support the local businesses…it helps that I don’t like to cook!

So, ride down soon. Walk the beach, shop, and enjoy a meal.  We all benefit from your business.


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Thanksgiving Weekend


Thanksgiving weekend is HUGE in Avalon and Stone Harbor.  Family activities, a Christmas tree auction, music, and of course, the big parade!

Schedule of events for Avalon– click HERE

Schedule of events for Stone Harbor– click HERE

Pick up a copy of the Seven Mile Times for more details:

And, be sure to stop by our office in Avalon on Friday, November 28th for a Power Play Realty logo gift.

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Searching for the Snowy Owl

StoneHarborPointAccording to an article on, the snowy owls have returned to the Jersey shore.

Last year, there were at least 2 owls “wintering” on our island.  I verified my sightings with blurry photographs on several posts:

Yesterday after work, I walked around Stone Harbor Point.  A bird watcher in the area posted an owl sighting on Twitter.  But no luck.

Will keep looking 🙂





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