A “check list” time of year – preparing our house for colder temperatures and the WIND!
Drain the outside shower and non-frost proof faucets (FYI- most water faucets on upper decks are NOT frost proof).
Disconnect hoses from all outdoor faucets (even the frost proof type-  water in hose will freeze and cause damage to faucet).
Close crawl space vents (air flow is great in the warmer months to keep the crawl space dry- but  cold air will freeze pipes even if the house is heated).
Lock all windows- especially casement style with a crank (the wind will rattle the window, allowing it to open and possibly blow out).
Secure storm doors, outside shower doors, and trash cans.
Remove outdoor furniture (or at least turn it upside down).
As an optimist, I left a kayak out in our side yard…hoping for one more bay paddle on a warm day 😉
Beach Family
Twenty beach bums 🙂  July 2013
P.S.  As of 11/14/13, the count  increased to 21.  Excited for my nephew and his wife…and for Nanna and G-man!