No Longer a Beach Day

This was my view earlier- I had just finished ocean kayaking (feeling relieved for not crashing on my return to shore!)  The ocean was calm, and the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds.  Beautiful start to the day…

Drastically different view now.  The rain arrived around 12:30pm…sending those on the beach to the nearby shops, restaurants, and bars 😉


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FEMA Maps, update

The revised maps for Cape May County are out and available to the municipalities for review.  Still waiting for the information to be available on the official web site:

So far, I see that they cleared some of the data- just waiting for the new information to be added.

4pm update- the maps are available on line.  Enter your shore address in the box half way down on the page, click on “Get Details” to see the flood zone and proposed elevation requirements.

Link for 8/28/13 article in The Press of Atlantic City:  FEMA Flood Maps a Relief for Cape May County Builders, Rebuilders


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Tuesday Sun

Ho, hum…just another morning walk along the beach 😉


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August Sunsets

Amazing “fall” sunsets recently.

Last night, we watched the International Space Station fly over. At twilight, a steady bright light appeared over the bay, continued overhead, and disappeared over the ocean…very cool!




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Over the last 2 years, our beaches took a beating from Irene, Sandy, and several Nor’easters.  Thankfully, Avalon and Stone Harbor were already in line for a beach replenishment project.   The June/July timing for Stone Harbor was challenging, however, the municipalities had no control over the schedule.

Now that the projects are complete, I thought it would be helpful to remember the “before” so we can better appreciate the work involved to replace/repair our beaches. Dune grass planting to stabilize the dunes will take place in the fall.

101st Street beach pavilion in Stone Harbor– March 2013 (looking north, right after a storm)…and August 2013 (looking south on a beautiful summer morning).



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Ocean Front Homes

I have a new favorite house- an amazing custom ocean front home on 17th Street in Avalon, NJ.  Currently for sale for $7,995,000.

I have attached an MLS link for all of the ocean front homes for sale in Avalon and Stone Harbor.  Click HERE to view.

The options range from older homes (selling for land value), properties situated on the inlet, a few closer to town, southend, and 2 in the dunes!  Priced from $1,99,400 to $11,995,000.

If you have any questions or interest…I am happy to help.  609-967-7950




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Labor Day Weekend Rental

Avalon, NJ: Beautiful family home with a private pool.  6 bedrooms.  Sleeps 12.  Available for the Labor Day weekend (Friday through Monday).  $4000.

Click here for Property Fact Sheet  Contact me for additional information:  or 609-967-7950



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A quiet morning walk before a busy Saturday: tenants checking out…and new tenants checking in.    Perfect weather for the annual sidewalk sale in Stone Harbor, too.



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Flood Insurance Info

The basics: the federal government passed legislation last year (before Sandy) to phase out subsidies for the National Flood Insurance Program.  Therefore, rate increases will take effect starting October for all secondary homeowners.

Unless the government decides to alter the current plan, flood insurance rates are scheduled to increase 25% each year over the next 4 years.

If your property does not comply with elevation requirements, ask your insurance agent if proper crawl space venting  will correct the problem.  An elevated structure with proper venting qualifies for the lowest flood insurance rates.

P.S. The revised FEMA flood maps are expected to be available for public view on Tuesday. Will post link when available.

Quote from article written by staff writer Sarah Watson for The Press of Atlantic City  8/24/13:  “These maps are the most recent updates in FEMA’s first major upgrades of the flood maps since the 1980’s. The maps also become the “best available data” for the purposes of those rebuilding their houses following Hurricane Sandy or starting new construction.”

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Not Just a Tree

TreeI’m so sad.

While driving to work this morning, I saw a public works crew on the center island at 56th Street- with tree roots in a tractor.  I quickly turned around to ask what happened to “my tree”.

I posted about this tree in the past:  A Special Tree   Planted in memory of my father over 20 years ago.

Unfortunately, a woman ran into the tree yesterday afternoon, and her car landed upside down on Dune Drive.  The Borough worker said she was okay- and I said “maybe the tree somehow saved her”.  Then he suggested I plant a new tree.  Good idea…


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