What’s Selling?

There were a total of 26 properties in Avalon and Stone Harbor sold (settlement) in the past 30 days.

salesign1 multi-family on 93rd Street sold for $775,000.

7 condo/townhouse styles sold, ranging in price from $160,000 for a 1 bedroom unit located over a commercial building on 83rd Street; to $1,026,500 for a 2400 square foot side by side style on 87th Street.  The median selling price for condo/townhouse units: $505,000.

18 single family homes sold, ranging from $825,000 for a home built in 2003 on 23rd Street; to $2,975,000 for a beach block home with a pool built in 2000 on 113th Street. The median selling price for single family homes: $1,785,000.

In addition, there are a record 65 properties in Avalon, Stone Harbor sale pending, with a median asking price of $1,150,000.

Please let me know if I can provide more specifics.  Thank you for your interest!  ann@anndelaney.com




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Planning for 2014

Yes, this was our biggest check in weekend…so it makes sense to starting planning ahead for our 2014 rental season!

The expectations of a beach rental have obviously changed over the years.  A basic property is likely to be passed over in favor of the updated “Coastal Living” décor home.

RentSighSo what do tenants need/want?

Large HD televisions with full cable package (one main set, with additional sets in bedrooms)

Wireless Internet – has become a necessity

Newer mattresses/ attractive bed coverings (some owners are providing linen service to gain a competitive edge)

Newer furniture and flooring

Newer appliances- including kitchen counter top items

Air conditioning (with a service contract for prompt repairs)

Well stocked kitchen, extra light bulbs, some paper products, cleaning products, and bug spray (for the common summer ants)

Comfortable deck/porch furniture

Grill with a wire brush to keep it clean

Extra trash/recycle cans (the average home needs 3 cans for regular trash, and 2 for recycling items)

Welcome Book with information & instructions (especially regarding the electronics)

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Sunday Morning

A lazy Sunday morning for some:  during my beach walk, I was out pacing the dolphins swimming just past the wave break 😉



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Up and Out Early

A peaceful morning of bay kayaking before a hectic work day.  BIG rental change over day, the Arts & Crafts Show at 80th Street, and the Brendan Borek Surf Memorial at the 30th Street beach.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday copy


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Stone Harbor Beach Fill- Complete

As of this morning: the sand pumping is complete and the tractors are leveling the last section of new beach (79th to 81st Streets).   Once the area is groomed and the equipment is moved, beach access will be fully restored on those blocks.

The heavy metal brackets that connect the lengths of black pipe have been removed.  Those pipes (currently lining the entire stretch of  Stone Harbor beach) will be hauled away soon.

While the project caused some inconvenience to residents and visitors, the Borough of Stone Harbor had no option on the timing.  After Irene and Sandy, the beaches/dunes in both Avalon and Stone Harbor were vulnerable.  Thankfully, this major restoration project had been approved and funded.

Posted 2 videos of the pipe removal 8/2/13 : YouTube Video   and another YouTube Video



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Peer Pressure

Woke up early (well, earlier) to fit in my beach walk before the forecasted rain.

I heard light rain on the sky light- darn.  Checked my phone for the current radar- not looking good either.  And then clicked on to Twitter to read the over night posts.

That’s when the peer pressure hit- John Cooke was already posting from his Cape May beach walk.  Like me, John tweets, and writes a blog…and works in the tourist industry full time.  I guess if he’s out, I should be too.

So I put my phone in a dry bag (it’s ALL about protecting the phone) and headed down to the beach.  I was rewarded with a beautiful sunrise, cool air, and no rain.

Thanks, John!


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Brendan Borek Fund


I am proud to support Brendan’s Fund– an established local charity assisting Cape May County pediatric cancer patients and their families.

Fundraising events are scheduled over the next few weeks, including the popular Surf Memorial on August 3rd.

For a complete list:  Click Here

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Peaceful on the beach early this morning.  Quiet walk before a BUSY change over day!  Have a good weekend.


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Busy Week

With family visiting, we are trying to balance our normal busy work schedules with planned activities.

Yesterday, there was bay kayaking and swimming in the morning, then the beach until 7pm!  Tomorrow, the water park.

By the way, the “mountain” kids definitely have some salt water flowing through their veins  😉


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Shore Residents

Information regarding the grant program for primary home owners.  Funds are available to help owners elevate their homes to meet flood elevation standards.

Click here for link.

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