Seashore Moon

Clear skies to watch the full moon rise over the ocean last night.   Stone Harbor at 95th Street.



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Received 2 thoughtful gifts today, and I was out both times and unable to personally say “thanks”.

So, thank you to Sylvia and Judy- you both made my day 🙂

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Hazy, Hot, and Humid

Thankfully, there is relief at the beach.

Busy weekend of rental check ins, including members of my own family.  If you see a gathering of 20 people taking over a section of the beach…that may be us.  Stop by, we always have great snacks 😉


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Fire Pits

The recent accidental fire in Avalon has prompted questions regarding outdoor fire pits.

Wood burning fire pits of no more than 3′ in diameter require (by New Jersey fire code) at least 25’ clearance from all buildings (including garages/sheds) and the property line; and are not permitted on decks or wood patios, or under the overhang of a deck or roof above.  A chimenea style wood fireplace requires a 15′ clearance (the chimney allows for a different classification).

With the average lot size on the island of 50′ X 110′, the clearance requirement is almost impossible to meet.  And, if a complaint is made by a neighbor regarding a fire pit (even one   located within the clearance requirements), the offending property owner must extinguish the fire.

Gas fueled fire pits/outdoor fireplaces are not as restricted because they have a controlled flame.

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Summer Colors

Worth an early morning beach walk 🙂


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Stone Harbor Beach Fill

As of last night, beach access is limited from 88th Street and north for 3 blocks.  The dredging company continues to work 24/7 and expects to complete the project by the end of July.   Removal of the heavy equipment (including the black pipe with walk over paths) may take an additional week.


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The Wow Factor

CapeMay149920I have the opportunity to walk through many beautiful homes (a wonderful perk of my job!)

Yet, I still found myself saying “wow” numerous times as I previewed this sale listing in Stone Harbor.

Incredible finishing details and amenities:  A huge enclosed porch off of the dining area with both electronic screens and storm shutters, an additional open air living area adjacent to the pool, separate guest quarters,  amazing kitchen, huge baths, etc. etc…..

For more information:  MLS link

To be sold completely furnished and ready for immediate use.  $3,995,000

Thank you for your interest!


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Beach Chair in the Water Kinda Day ;)

A steamy day…even early this morning on the beach.

The Stone Harbor beach fill project is making great progress. As of today, the beaches between 89th Street and north for 3 blocks- are closed while they actively pump new sand and grade the area.  Noticed a tug boat delivering additional black pipe to complete the last phase of the project.

Once the pumping is complete, it will take a week or so before  all of the equipment is removed from the length of the Stone Harbor beach.


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Sunday Sights

Look up…it’s the sun!  Or can we only see it from the reflection on our phones and tablets?

On my way to work,  I saw several young people riding their bikes AND checking their phones at the same time.  I also saw a woman walking her dog (in the bike lane no less) while reading her Kindle.

I’m amazed there aren’t more bike and pedestrian accidents caused by the distraction of technology.  Please stop and look both ways before tweeting or texting 😉

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After the Rain

A beautiful sky last night after a few days of steady rain.  Much better weather today.  Have a great weekend!


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