Wind & Waves

The strong north east winds continue…keeping us cool at the shore!

Townsends Inlet from the 8th Street jetty in Avalon:


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WindJettyThis morning, I noticed a few people walking out along one of the jetties.  The ocean was rough, and of course I worried that someone might slip and fall.  Didn’t they read the warning sign?

I thought back to our vacations in Hawaii- amazed that people were “allowed” to hike almost anywhere.  When I asked a local man about this freedom, he said “you must live somewhere with a lot of rules!”

Last fall, we hiked a beautiful coastal trail on Kauai.  It was muddy, steep, and a bit scary when you looked down along the cliffs.  The guide book was clear about the dangers of this trail, and other popular tourist sites on the island (even mentioning the number of annual deaths from falls/drowning).  But have fun…

I guess we are a bit more uptight here in New Jersey 😉

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May Weekend

Stores and restaurants open…the Art/Music Festival on 96th Street in Stone Harbor…and sunshine!  Just need the temperatures to notch up a few degrees 🙂


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Beach Fill, Stone Harbor

The dredge was moved from the inlet, and the beach fill equipment has been idle for several days.  The clock is ticking and I know the dredging company and the Borough of Stone Harbor expect completion of the project by Memorial Day.   Unfortunately, weather and repairs can cause temporary delays.  Will continue to post updates…


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A Special Tree

I planted this flowering cherry tree (with the help of the Avalon Garden Club) 20 years ago in memory of my father.

It sits at the end of “his” street, and appropriately, leans toward the ocean.

The tree has stood tall through Nor’easters and hurricanes; droughts and torrential rains.  I was especially worried after Sandy.  Yet, check out those healthy blooms!

It’s a sentimental symbol for our strong family roots on this island…



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What’s Selling?

salesignThe sale market in Avalon and Stone Harbor continues at a steady pace.  21 properties sold/settled in past 30 days; with an additional 63 sale pending!

To view the properties SOLD, click on the link:   MLS Properties SOLD

The most recent asking price is noted next to the address above the picture.  The final selling price is listed in the left hand side column with the MLS number.  All settlements occurred within past month.

The median selling price was $900,000.  The median list price of those sale pending is $925,000 (final selling prices published after closing).

If you have any questions regarding market value in Avalon or Stone Harbor, I am happy to help!  or 609-967-7950

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Celebrate…with flowers

Unfortunately, I often see the remnants of graduations, proms, and weddings on the beach.  This morning, the large “bouquet” pictured below was sitting near the high tide line.

Skip the balloons- it’s just more plastic trash for our environment.    Thanks!





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Saturday at the Beach

A beautiful day.      I sell Avalon and Stone Harbor real estate…yet I REALLY sell this!


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More Insurance Info

Thank you to Michael McMahon of the McMahon Agency for meeting with the agents in my office to discuss the changes regarding insurance for seashore real estate.   His agency is based in Ocean City 609-399-0060.

In addition to the information I posted yesterday, Michael shared his expectations:

  • The preliminary (advisory) maps are still under review; likely to be submitted to municipalities for final approval in October (after public meetings, too).  Until that time, the existing zones/elevation requirements are referenced to write flood policies.
  • Flood insurance premiums are going up- on average 10% per year.
  • If you own a home built prior to 1975, it’s worthwhile to obtain an elevation report to determine the structure’s actual rating.  Before the new rules,  older structures benefited from subsidies.  These subsidies will be phased out.
  • For homeowner’s insurance, there are a limited number of companies willing to write policies on the barrier islands.  We are likely to see increases in the wind and/or hurricane deductibles for policies.

FEMA and the insurance industry are still working through the new regulations.  As a real estate agent (and property owner), I know it’s important to remain current regarding the regulations.  I am happy to answer your questions to the best of my ability…or direct you to the proper individual.    609-967-7950 office


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Flood Insurance info

A representative from a local insurance agency will be in our office tomorrow to provide updates regarding flood insurance – a hot topic for shore property owners.  I will post an update after the meeting.

In the meantime, I am reading notes from the FEMA web site regarding the pending changes (ironically, in place or pending prior to Sandy).

On July 6, 2012, a law took effect requiring FEMA to take immediate steps to eliminate a variety of flood insurance subsides.  The insurance discounts currently in place will be phased out over a period of time.  Starting January 1, 2013, flood insurance premium rates for subsidized non- primary residences will begin increasing.  Although the legislation called for a 25% increase over 4 years, there is pending legislation that will modify this time frame to 12.5% increase each year over an 8 year period.

Keep in mind, most flood insurance policies range from $400 to $1800 per year (depending on the elevation of the structure)- often more reasonable than the typical home owner’s policy.



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