Dune Drive in Avalon

After months of dreary days, COLOR has returned to the island.  It looks amazing as you drive along Dune Drive and Second Avenue- green grass, spring flowers, and blooming trees.


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Counting Down

Hello Spring?  I put my hat, gloves, and fleece jacket away…only to take them out again for recent beach walks.  The temperature is not too bad today, yet the wind is brutal.  Only 32 days until Memorial Day weekend 🙂


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South End Avalon

CapeMay151374New on the sale market:  Custom 3 level home on 65th Street in Avalon, NJ.

Oversized 80′ X 110′ lot (standard lot size in this location is 60′ X 110′), allowing for a larger home  (5,684 square feet) AND a spacious pool area.  Built in 2008, with quality materials and amenities. Gourmet kitchen.  4 stop elevator.  Beautifully furnished and ready for immediate use.

Click HERE for MLS link and exterior/interior pictures.  For additional information:  ann@anndelaney.com  or my office 609-967-7950

Thank you for your interest!


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Interest Rates

houseSimple math:  A mortgage of $400,000 based on a 30 year loan at 4.5% (considered a great interest rate not too long ago) =  a monthly payment of $2,026.74

Compare that same loan and terms with the current rate of 3.375%  = a monthly payment of $1,768.38.   A savings of $258.36 EACH month.

Incredible opportunity to re-finance your existing loan, or purchase new.

If you need recommendations for local lenders, I am happy to pass along names/contact info for trusted mortgage reps.

And of course…I am here to help with your search for a shore property in Avalon or Stone Harbor!

ann@anndelaney.com   609-967-7950

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Avalon Beach Update

Yesterday’s beach walk (in the mist) provided another opportunity to check on the condition of our north end beaches.  Overall, the sand added during the January beach fill is holding on.  There were crews actively working to complete the repairs on the dunes and beach entrances.

Pictured below:  23rd Street looking north, 12th Street looking north (with equipment), and 8th Street beach adjacent to the jetty.


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Just Because…

Sharing 2 pictures:

Spotted this wall hanging in a home the other day- charming!

A gray day at the beach- yet even a “black and white” ocean view is appreciated.




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Save Money on Flood Insurance

Worth searching through your shore house paperwork- this may save a few dollars:

Find your flood elevation certificate (the report is supplied by a surveyor; a separate document from the plot plan). If you do not have a copy, your flood insurance agent will have a copy of the elevation certificate on file.

Near the top of the first page, look at line A-8; a).  This is the square footage of your crawl space.  In the example pictured below, it’s 589 square feet (a small cottage).

Compare this number with A-8 c).  In the example, the net area of flood openings is 168 square inches, with no engineered flood openings (vents).

If the property otherwise meets the current elevation standards, yet the venting square inches do not MATCH the crawl space square feet, the property owner will pay significantly more for flood insurance.

Solution?  Add more vents- specifically engineered vents (like the brand name Smart Vents).  The typical metal grate vent may only provide as little as 42 square inches of qualified venting; in comparison, a Smart Vent = 200 square inches.

Quick math with example:  589 minus 168 = 421 square inches of additional venting needed.  3 Smart Vents (at 200 square inches each) solve the problem.



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Power Play Rental Site

UPDATE: Back on line- and back to work!

Unfortunately, our rental web site is down.  A glitch with our server.

We hope to have everything back up and running soon.  Thanks for your patience.

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Tuesday Beach Fill Update

The dredge is in position, and workers are attaching the pipes that will eventually pump sand on the Stone Harbor beach.  It’s a fascinating process to watch- will post location updates once the active pumping begins.

Pictures taken this morning show dredge in the inlet (far left), and the main connector (with a filter cage) adjacent to the jetty in the south end.PipePointpipe


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Clean Sweeps 2013

RTEmagicC_beach_sweeps_logo_10Join your shore neighbors and friends on Saturday, April 27th

for the annual Clean Ocean Action Beach Sweep.

For more information, visit their web site: Clean Ocean Action

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