
Proper disposal of trash and recycling is an ongoing challenge with the summer rental properties.

Tenants produce a higher volume of trash and recycling than home owners (more take out, and beverages consumed!)

And to add to the dilemma, Stone Harbor is unable to transition to the normal twice a week summer pick up schedule due to staff shortages.

Solution?  Property owners need extra trash and recycling cans, and understand that there’s a cost to occasionally hire someone to haul away the excess.

The cleaners are unable to take on this added task, and the incoming tenants need space for their trash/recycling.





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Father’s Day, continued…

I wrote this post in 2011- worthy of a repeat!

DadThinking of my father today.  He worked 6 days a week, so Sundays were a sacred day…at the beach.

My dad was blessed with hardy Irish skin that turned dark brown in the summer months.  Suntan lotion (we didn’t call it sunscreen back then) and the giant yellow umbrella with the lethal metal pole were for the rest of us who just freckled and burned.

My mother laughs when describing all of the equipment hauled to the beach, along with 4 little girls: a large playpen (even heavier than the massive umbrella), beach chairs, buckets, coolers, etc.  Plus, my father’s fishing gear.  At a certain age, my sisters and I were permitted to walk back to the house to retrieve more food and beer for the grown ups (wrapping the beer in foil to trick the lifeguards??)

The Sunday tradition continued with the next generation.  My sons enjoyed beach days with “Pop Pop” and followed the rules at the end of the day:

1) “Call” your turn for the outside shower.

2) Hang bathing suits/towels on the line.  All beach items were thoroughly rinsed, set in the sun to dry, and of course, neatly stored by night fall.

Even though we grew up by the beach, sand was NEVER permitted in the house!

yardLong beach days are an ongoing family tradition.  My father’s rules are now enforced at my house (I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown the day this picture was taken…I am my father’s daughter!)

The love of the beach…and family time together.

Thanks Dad.

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Happy Father’s Day

Repeat Post from 2016- 

During a recent move, one of my sisters found so many great old photos from the dark ages (our childhood in the 1960s!)

This one is appropriate for Father’s Day (3 daughters with one more yet to be born).  I’m the one in the middle with the goofy hat…oh wait…

The real estate agent in me has to point out the background:  51st Street in Avalon NJ looking toward the bay- so few houses!


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Rental change over day

Last Saturday, we had the opportunity to witness the busy change over day in South Carolina.

Funny to observe how the routine is so similar to our weekly life here in Avalon and Stone Harbor!

Tenants were up early to pack up their cars. With the larger homes, there’s inevidble chaos as family members search for their belongings and discuss who is responsible for what task.

The proper disposal of trash and recycling is a common dilemma.  There were a few bags left out at the curb (not inside a can) and within hours, animals made a mess of the contents.

In our building, tenants in the unit below left their fishing gear on the landing.  Inside the bucket, a previously live crab was really starting to smell!

When neighbors express frustration about rental properties,  I understand (as a rental agent, landlord, AND neighbor!)

While the majority are respectful, the few careless tenants leave a bad impression with the surrounding property owners.



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TK Charities- 2021 events

Visit the TK Charities web site for information regarding the various races scheduled for 2021.

Volunteers always needed, too!



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A pause for Memorial Day…


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Bedding for Vacation Rentals

Are you or your family members renting a shore house this summer?  Check with your rental agency to confirm tenant responsibilities for the bedding.

Last summer, many owners expected tenants to bring their own pillows and blankets (along with the normal sheets and towels).

For 2021, most of our owners are back to leaving pillows and bed quilts for tenant use.  However, there are still owners continuing with the Covid-19 protocols.

Like everything else this year…it’s confusing!

Best to confirm before your arrival.



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Hello Summer!


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The week before Memorial Day…

This week is always a frenzy of contractors working hard to complete their tasks prior to the official start of the season.  And with the boom of construction on the island, the level of activity is even greater.


My post in 2020 was a bit different:

Every weekend since March 14th strikes me as odd.  Living in a tourist town, I have always worked Saturdays and Sundays.

And while I still may be at a makeshift desk in my family room, there’s not the same sense of urgency or pace.

This morning, we waited until the rain ended to take our long beach walk.  Could I ever imagine spending a Saturday of Memorial Day weekend on a leisurely walk?






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Life as a Tenant

I’m a full time rental agent, landlord… and, occasionally a tenant.

Last week, I rented 2 homes in the mountains of North Carolina near the venue for a family wedding.

Both homes were managed by the same agency (Carolina Mornings) and similarly priced.  Yet with 2 different property owners, the experiences varied.

One home had at least half of the kitchen cabinets locked, and a sparse inventory of dish ware and overall supplies.  The cabin was clean and comfortable, but this left a disappointing impression of the landlord.

The other cabin was perfect.  It really felt like we were staying as guests in a well loved home.  I appreciated the labels in the kitchen so that items could be returned to their proper spot (helpful when unloading the dishwasher).   The interior and exterior furnishings were comfortable and clean. Bedding was high quality.  In every room, there were thoughtful amenities and extras.

It was a great reminder to me (as both an agent and landlord) about the importance of the tenant experience.





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