Villa Maria by the Sea, Stone Harbor

Before…During…and After.

Sad to see this beautiful landmark gone.

Yet happy for the Sisters.  They will be building a new (scaled down) version of their retreat house soon.

More details of the plan from a prior post:  Villa Maria by the Sea info


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Life as a Landlord

I have handled Avalon and Stone Harbor vacation rentals for property owners my entire real estate career (40 years- yikes!)

That experience has helped me personally as a landlord…I can totally relate to the highs and lows!

On each visit to our condo, I systematically tackle tasks not addressed by change over cleaning.

1) Oh great, a tenant put a frying pan back in the cabinet without cleaning off pieces of their omlet!  Frustrating because it’s gross, and also embarrassing if this happened several tenants back and subsequent tenants thought we were careless owners.

2) Missing items.  It’s an ongoing mystery with the variety of household items that disappear; and inconvenient because we need to quickly replace before the next guest.

3) Dishes and glassware.  I organize the cabinets and take note of what needs to be purchased.

4) Sand removal.  Mattress pads, dining room chair cushions, and outdoor furniture…sand is everywhere!

A few more cleaning suggestions by a fellow (and very hands on) rental property owner:

Microwave for leftover Grandpop’s special marinara sauce.

Freezer for frozen drips from grandchildren ice pops.

Dishwasher with dirty dishes from last minute breakfast.

Gas grill for baked on BBQ sauce.

Gas grill for full tank.

There are many more details, but the idea is to give the incoming family a clean and welcoming home for a relaxing vacation.

Life as a landlord can be challenging.  Yet for now, the income justifies the hard work!




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Mother’s Day Weekend

IMG_20190908_101110Avalon NJ:

Bulk trash pick up

Community yard sale

Garden Club plant sale

AND Kohler’s Bakery opens 🙂


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To the Beach!

Seen on my morning walk:  power washing art!



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Construction Nearby?

It’s a regular dilemma for our beach towns: the potential for annoyance to residents and visitors from construction projects.

For 2021, I don’t think there’s a street on the island that doesn’t have at least one home under construction!

Occasionally, a tenant will ask specifically about any nearby construction sites.  Yet we know that status can change overnight with a demo and new home started months after the lease is drawn.

There are construction and noise regulations in place to limit the inconvenience, however I understand it’s not ideal (there’s a new home under construction directly next door, and an extensive renovation to the cottage behind our house).

With a busy summer ahead, we will all need an extra dose of patience…and more walks on the beach 🙂





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Summer rentals- availability

Good news- we have added several properties to our rental inventory.

If you or your friends are still searching for a vacation home for this summer, I am happy to help!

Our web site is current:   Tim Kerr Sotheby’s International Realty    or    609-967-7950


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Just SOLD!

Bayfront home at 4388 OceanDrive, Avalon 

Sold for $3,207,500


Renovated cottage at 4351 Ocean Drive, Avalon

Sold for $1,710,000


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Spring of 2021

I’m realizing that much of last spring and early summer is a blur.

As local businesses start to re-open for the season, I am trying to remember how we all managed to navigate the shut down and ever changing restrictions.  It’s incredible that most businesses survived…and by mid to late summer, even thrived!

2021 is off to a better start.

Masks around town are the norm.  Outdoor dining will continue to be the preference of many.  My office window remains open (and thankfully, improved temperatures so I’m not freezing out my co-workers!)

Like all of you, we have adjusted, and continue to be so grateful to maintain our shore economy!





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Easter Treats!

Wow…that was a productive beach walk before work this morning!

We walked down just in time for the sunrise- beautiful.  Saw a few dolphins actively feeding, with seagulls and osprey nearby to join them for breakfast.  A pair of oyster catchers squawked as we walked along the water’s edge.

I found 2 nice pieces of sea glass…and then we noticed odd prints in the sand as we headed south.  Even through it seemed impossible, the “foot” prints looked like those from 2 horses.  But that couldn’t be, right?

We followed the prints for a bit, and then glanced up toward the dune line to see a resting seal!  He (or she) was well camouflaged with the brown dune grass, and we were careful not to disturb the seal’s nap.  We zoomed in for a quick photo and continued on following the prints.

And then the horses appeared!  2 men were riding back along the hard sand and in the gully.  They stopped to say hello- and I mentioned that this was a first!  They wished us a Happy Easter and literally, rode into the sunrise 🙂

This sounds like an April Fool’s post, yet we have pictures to verify.  What a morning!




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Open House- 3955 Dune Drive, Avalon

Open Friday 4/2 from 1- 3pm, and

Saturday 4/3 from 9- 11am.



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