We are fortunate to have plenty of open space for daily outdoor walks (with a mask in a jacket pocket just in case). Â And I will wait for a quiet weekday to “shop local” for a few Christmas gifts.
For meals, outdoor dining decisions are based on seating exposure (out of the wind and in the sun!) or available heaters. Â Indoor dining does not feel like a safe option at this point.
In my office, Â I have windows that open out to Dune Drive, and a small fan. Â The fresh air coming in is getting colder, so I also have a portable heater. Â Will find the right balance and dress appropriately!
In the meantime, Santa is prepared 😷
2020 Project
In addition to the journal started last March, I have been documenting the last 9 months with pictures (mostly for my Twitter posts).
It was easy to upload the photos to Shutterfly from my phone, and then add brief descriptions to create a book.
The other photo albums saved on my Shutterfly account feature vacations and grandchildren…yet our 2020 experience is historically important, too.
Although the pandemic is far from over, the project provides hope for 2021.