Labor Day Weekend Updates

The annual TK Charities foot race is a Labor Day weekend tradition.  Every year, we read the names of the generous sponsors on the signs that pop up along Dune Drive, and then cheer on close to 1000 runners as they take over the local streets!

Unfortunately, the event was cancelled for 2020.

Starting this Friday, indoor dining will be permitted with capacity limitations and specific ventilation requirements.  If a restaurant is unable to work within the guidelines, they will continue with take-out and/or outdoor options.

After Monday, beach tags are no longer required, and there will be plenty of room to social distance!




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Stormy Saturday


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August at the Shore

Most properties are at least 10 to 12 weeks in of summer tenants this rental season (depending on the owner start date) and are beginning to feel their “age”.

Extra attention is likely needed on ceiling fans, air-conditioning return vents, and outdoor living spaces.  The weeds in the landscaping and/or stones may be taking over the yard.  There might be multiple empty containers of shampoo and pieces of used soap in the outside shower. And the drip pan under the grill probably needs to be emptied.

It’s always worthwhile for owners to be on hand for the occasional change over for these reasons.

For some properties, the 2020 rental season will be extending through early fall.  All the more reason for a late summer deep clean.

If you need assistance with extra projects , I am happy to make recommendations.



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Saturday Vibes

Plenty of beach days ahead!


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Trends for Vacation Rentals

Demand remains strong for weekly rentals through the fall.  And we have requests for longer term rentals in the off season.

If your shore property will not be occupied in the coming months, you may want to consider adding rates for these bonus weeks.

Happy to discuss and/or help with setting rates.






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Beach walks

Always grateful for company on my beach walks ♥️


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Update From Avalon and Stone Harbor

How’s the summer?  Good question!

1) Sales are booming.  Certainly not what I expected  back in March.

Mortgage money is reasonable, and regular visitors to the area realize a beach house provides the ideal change of scenery for their family.  These are not impulse buys- the circumstances are the deciding factor for a buyer to move forward with a long planned dream.

2) Occupancy should remain high through the fall.  Remote working and schooling have provided property owners and tenants with flexibility.  I expect island businesses to stay open well past the typical season (subject to keeping their workforce).

3) Vacation Rentals- another plot twist to this summer.  In the spring, we had legitimate concerns about the viability of our rental season.  And as expected, a fair amount of  tenants cancelled (and we are still experiencing cancellations for various reasons).  The surprise was the high demand for last minute vacations (often for multiple weeks).  Thankfully, we’ve been able to fill most of the cancellations quickly.

4) Mask wearing- as the weeks go by, more people are adhering to the mask requirements. It’s not perfect, and I am still frustrated at the push back against such a reasonable request.  Seeing young children wearing masks is heartbreaking, yet kudos to the parents for establishing the routine.

An unusual summer for sure!


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Isaias has departed

Well, that was an adventure!

Beautiful blue skies have returned after a crazy day of high winds and tornado warnings.

We are still dealing with scattered power outages and hearing from tenants as they report (mostly minor) damage.

Pool companies and handymen are in high demand to assist with the clean up!

In the meantime,  life guards are keeping swimmers out of the water until calm seas return tomorrow.


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Watching the Weather!

Even a moderate storm is concerning in peak summer season.

Decks and patios are full of furniture.  Umbrellas and awnings are in use.

Tenants are not fully aware of the strength of high winds, and/or the locations typically prone to flooding.

If you have any questions regarding your shore location and any risks associated, I am happy to answer to the best of my ability.

Stay dry, and watch the storm from our Avalon beach cam!  




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Outdoor Dining- an update

The phrase “when this is all over” feels abstract.

In the meantime, restaurant owners have been super creative with outdoor venues and dining options.  If only they could control the fickle summer weather!

While enjoying an early morning breakfast on the Avalon boardwalk, listening to the ocean in the distance, I commented to our Fishin’ Pier Grille waitress  that I hope THIS part can remain.  She said she hears it all the time!

Recently I was reminded of the incredible losses owners are experiencing when I walked inside a local restaurant to use the restroom.  Too see rows of tables, booths, and the bar area completely empty was stunning.

We will continue to support the local businesses that adhere to proper safety guidelines.

P.S.  When talking with friends and co-workers about going out to eat, the first question we ask each other is “did it feel safe” rather than “how was your meal”- our new normal!




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