Like Riding a Bike?

This time of year, I’m usually out on my kayak several times a week.  Unfortunately, I’m getting a late start this summer.

Today, the conditions were just right:  early morning high tide and calm winds.  Wind is a big factor- prefer not enough to produce white caps on the bay, but a light breeze to help me paddle faster than the gnats!

Peaceful way to start my day 🙂





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StoneHarborStoriesTwo recent opportunities to walk down memory lane.

On Tuesday, I attended the premiere of “Stone Harbor Stories”, a movie celebrating the Borough’s Centennial (DVD is available for purchase at the Stone Harbor Museum- 93rd Street).

I have only been around for half of that time 😉 yet so many of the old photos were familiar.

On Wednesday, a summer class sponsored by the Avalon Library was held in a classroom of the adjacent elementary school (my 6th grade classroom if I remember correctly!) In the hallway, there is a collage of prior students. How on earth did those “kids” get to be so old?

These situations jog forgotten memories…and make me smile!



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Sunny Days

A nice view to start my day…


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Monday Morning

This morning’s beach walk: entertained by skillful Osprey fishing for breakfast…with the opportunistic seagulls trailing close behind!

Plus, a beautiful sky.


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Fireworks from the Beach

fireworksI actually prefer when Avalon and Stone Harbor fireworks are scheduled on different nights.

Last night, we were able to sit on the beach at 95th Street, and see the Stone Harbor display…along with Sea Isle City ‘s and Ocean City’s in the back ground.

As we left the beach, we could see Wildwood’s fireworks in the distance.

Tonight, we will have the bonus of Avalon!



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Brendan’s Fund

brendanborekI am proud to support The Brendan Borek High Tides Memorial Fund: a grass roots organization helping Cape May County pediatric cancer patients and their families since 1992.

So many opportunities to participate and contribute.  For the complete list of activites, visit the web site, or the office/store at 2170 Dune Drive, Avalon.

Later today: the 4th Annual Low Tide Beach Ride on 9th Street- 6:30pm

On July 29th, the Annual Artist and Friends Art Show at the Avalon Yacht Club- 6pm- 9pm.

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That’s Better!

Obviously, no beach day for me yesterday.  Even after the skies cleared, the gusty wind discouraged me from venturing to the sand.

When we walked later, the beach was very active… including surfers taking advantage of “September” waves!


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Saturday July 5th

Saturday is the new Friday.

The Stone Harbor Recreation Department announced that all activities will take place on Saturday, 7/5- including the fireworks.

Facebook page:



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July 4th- Beach Day??

Our office is closed tomorrow…and I am counting on a beach day.  Hoping Arthur rides out to sea!

One of my favorite  4th of July activities?  Walking along the beach and checking out the lifeguards.  And not in a creepy, old lady way!

All of the stands are decorated, and the guards compete for best holiday spirit (often by gathering everyone on “their beach” to sing the Star Spangled Banner).  A wonderful tradition.

P.S.  Stone Harbor Recreation Department postponed all activities until Saturday, 7/5  


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Island Dwellers

Enjoyed a unique opportunity to actually MEET a few fellow Twitter friends from Cape May last night.  We joked that we would get together…and then “tweet” back and forth.

Fortunately, our phones sat idle while we engaged in real live conversations!

A common theme- winter at the shore.  We compared notes…and interestingly…the Cape May residents were curious how WE managed  living here.  This struck me as funny.  Yes, Avalon and Stone Harbor are quiet in the off season.  And we don’t have the numerous dining options.  Oh, and we can’t walk to the Acme or CVS.  Okay…maybe they have a point 😉

One Cape May resident (an artist) said it best: “People either get Cape May…or they don’t”.  That’s so true about all of the local beach communities- each offering a different quality of life.

Thankfully, our little (quiet) island suits us just fine 🙂


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