Father’s Day at the Beach

I wrote this post in 2011; worthy of an annual repeat!

DadThinking of my father today.  He worked 6 days a week, so Sundays were a sacred day…at the beach.

My dad was blessed with hardy Irish skin that turned dark brown in the summer months.  Suntan lotion (we didn’t call it sunscreen back then) and the giant yellow umbrella with the lethal metal pole were for the rest of us who just freckled and burned.

My mother laughs when decribing all of the equipment hauled to the beach, along with 4 little girls: a large playpen (even heavier than the massive umbrella), beach chairs, buckets, coolers, etc.  And of course, my father’s fishing gear.  At a certain age, my sisters and I were permitted to walk back to the house to retrieve more food and beer for the grown ups (wrapping the beer in foil to trick the lifeguards??)

The Sunday tradition continued with the next generation.  My sons enjoyed beach days with “Pop Pop” and followed the rules at the end of the day: 1) “call” your turn for the outside shower, and 2) hang bathing suits/towels on the line.  All beach items were thoroughly rinsed, set in the sun to dry, and of course, neatly stored by night fall. Even though we grew up by the beach, sand was NEVER permitted in the house!

yardLong beach days are an ongoing family tradition.  My father’s rules are now enforced at my house (I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown the day this picture was taken…I am my father’s daughter!)

The love of the beach…and family time together.

Thanks Dad.

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Bay Front in Stone Harbor

New on the market today!

Charming bay front home with incredible views.  Wonderful location for swimming (the protected South Basin), plus exposure toward the open channel for sunset views.

4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, plus a den.  Plenty of outside living space with a covered deck, over the water dock, swimming platform, floating docks, and 2 boat slips.

For the full MLS link, click HERE   For questions or more information, please contact me 609-967-7950  or ann@anndelaney.com

Thank you for your interest!



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My landmarks are gone (or blocked) along our section of the Garden State Parkway.  It looks different each time I drive by!

Stone Harbor Boulevard- driving east from Cape May Court House:


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No Rain

It was overcast earlier this morning, but the sun is managing to burn through the clouds…


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Summer Perspective

Occasionally, this is the view from my “remote office” 😉


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Walking Destinations

The crow’s nest bar at the Windrift: worthy of a long beach walk across “the border” 😉  Enjoyed a nice lunch and a beautiful Friday afternoon view!



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Busy Month of May

salesignMarket Update

A total of 45 properties sold (settlement) during the month of May in Avalon and Stone Harbor, NJ.  The overall median selling price was $999,000.

By category:

27 single family homes, ranging from $505,000 for a bungalow located over the 21st Street bridge; to $7,000,000 for a well maintained ocean front home on a 70′ x 110′ lot in the south end of Avalon.  The median selling price was $1,135,000.

13 condominium/townhouse units, ranging from $252,000 for a 1 bedroom bay front unit located at 96th Street and Sunset Drive; to $1,325,000 for a bay front side by side townhouse style located over the 25th Street bridge.  The median selling price was $527,500.

3 vacant lots, ranging from $1,750,000 for a lot on the beach block side of 38th and First Avenue; a south end beach block on 66th Street, and a bay front lot on Seagull Drive both sold for $2,450,000.

2 multi-family homes, an older Cape style across the street from the bay on 99th and Sunset Drive for $925,000; and an older expanded Cape on the beach block corner of 35th and First Avenue (60′ X 110′ lot) for $1,700,000.

While the condominium/townhouse sales are straightforward, the other 3 categories often cross over.  An older single family home may truly be a “land value” sale.  One of the reported vacant lot sales still has an older home on the site (to be torn down). This aspect of our market can be confusing for appraisers!

If you have any questions about market values in Avalon or Stone Harbor, NJ, please contact me  ann@anndelaney.com or 609-967-7950

Thank you for your continued interest!




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Stone Harbor Centennial

StoneHarborStone Harbor, NJ: Celebrating 100 years with fun events throughout the summer.

Click HERE for more details.

Music- every other Tuesday at the Water Tower Plaza (didn’t know it had an official name!)

5K/Fun Run on July 6th- 100 year old properties along the route.

Boat Parade- evening of August 9th, originating from the Stone Harbor Yacht Club.

And the grande finale- an all day event on Saturday, September 6th at the 80th Street field…including fireworks!



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Pet Friendly?

dogLast year, the most common tenant request was for WiFi .  This year, it’s permission to bring a dog (sometimes several!)

And while many owners are still reluctant, there are some landlords who will consider a well behaved dog with references.

If you own a rental property, promoting it as “pet friendly” will generate higher weekly income, and more weeks booked.  Tenants are willing to pay a premium for the convenience of bringing the family pet to the shore (saving the kennel or pet sitting fees).

There are restrictions for dogs on the beach- not permitted in Avalon during the summer months; and only after 7pm to sunset in Stone Harbor…and always on a leash.

Will spare you my annual rant regarding dogs on the beach…easier to LINK to last year’s post!


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Why Cook??

diningRestaurant week provides SO many options!

7 Mile Restaurant Week- June 2nd to the 8th.  Click HERE for more details.

Cape May Restaurant Week- June 1st to the 8th. Click HERE for more details.

Flavor of Sea Isle City- now though June 6th.  Click HERE for more details.


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