It Will Warm Up…Really!

And when that happens, you will want to be on the island 🙂

5189How about 5189 Ocean Drive?  Amazing custom home with 6 bedrooms, 5 full baths, and 2 powder rooms.  PLUS, a private pool in the back yard.  Available for weeks in August.

For more details:  Link to Rental info




49thStOr, 215 49th Street?  Another newer family home with 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, and a private pool. Prime July/August weeks still available.

For more details: Link to Rental info




Search available rentals, and give me a call.  I am here all weekend to help with your Avalon, Stone Harbor vacation plans.  Power Play Realty web site

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Avalon, Stone Harbor Sale Market

salesignPleased to report: 27 settlements so far this month for properties on the island.  The median selling price was $925,001; and ranged from a low of $172,000 for a Beachcomber Motel/Condo unit in Avalon, to $3,800,000 for a beautiful new beach block home in Stone Harbor.

Review the list of properties:  Sold link

There are an additional 70 properties sale pending, with settlement scheduled to occur soon.  The median list price for those under contract is $900,000.

Review the list of properties: Under Contract link

I am in the office if you have any questions regarding real estate values in Avalon or Stone Harbor.  I appreciate your business!

609-967-7950 work


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Stone Harbor Water Tower

The repairs and painting are complete- time to unveil the Stone Harbor landmark.


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AND…we are open!

The rain stopped, and brilliant sunshine returned for the 8:30am ribbon cutting on the Avalon beach.  What a great community event.



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More Stone Harbor News

beacBeach fill progress: sand pumping and grading, and actively building a new beach on 113th Street as of this morning. The equipment and crew members will steadily move north until the project is completed.  Beaches south of 115th Street are open, and sand  paths will be built over the rubber pipe that carries new sand to the beaches.

For more info:

Foodie news: although Bradley’s Steaks moved to 83rd Street and Third Avenue, their former location will continue to offer sandwiches and cheese steaks to the hungry south end crowd. Sunset Steaks & Shakes will join Clarke’s Sunset Market next door.  108th and Third Avenue.

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Big Stone Harbor News

hutNoticed the return of a concession hut on the beach the other day.  And today, I heard the details.

Three years ago, the DEP forced the Borough of Stone Harbor to remove the wooden sheds because they viewed the structures as permanent. Odd, because the huts were placed on raised platforms and hauled off the beach each fall.

Obtaining the proper permits took several years…and now, we can once again buy ice cream without tracking down the Fudgy Wudgy guy 😉

The stand locations will remain the same as in years past. Some will offer beach item rentals, too.


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Busy Week Ahead

Most of the vehicles on the island this week? Contractor and delivery trucks.

Trades people are working long hours to complete projects in time for Friday; outdoor furniture and gas grills will be delivered to numerous homes; food stores and restaurants are stocking up; and Borough workers continue to prep the beaches and town for the big holiday weekend.

shellflagStone Harbor will officially “open” the beach on Thursday, 5/23. Avalon will join other Jersey shore communities for a symbolic ribbon cutting on Friday, 5/24.  The mile long ribbon will be held by local business owners, residents, and school children.  8:30am on the 30th Street beach.  Should be a nice event.

On Memorial Day (Monday), there will be 2 parades:  Avalon at 9am; and Stone Harbor at 12 noon.  A great excuse for a bike ride to catch both events.


P.S. Stone Harbor will also join in with the Jersey shore ribbon cutting Friday morning.  9am at the 95th Street beach. Encouraging business owners, residents, and visitors to help with the event.  This will replace the Thursday beach opening.

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Mountains versus Beach

mountainsEven on a quick visit, the differences between the mountains of North Carolina and our simple beach town are evident.

Walmart- they sell both gluten free/organic food…AND guns (seriously, in adjacent isles).

Their ice cream shop offers goat milk ice cream on gluten free cones (will take a closer look at the menu in Springer’s to compare).

I hear “Yes, Ma’am” often- and it sounds polite and respectful.

I’m self conscious when I say “water”.  And, I talk WAY too fast!

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Back to Work

A few days out of town for a family visit. I will be back in the office tomorrow.

Lights on in homes, and more businesses open- happy to see the island come back to life!

P.S.   Picture taken last night of the beach fill crew working under the lights- operating 24/7 to make sure we have a nice beach for summer!


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Prince Harry and the media

We appreciate the positive press from Philadelphia news stations (and British royalty)- encouraging people to vacation at the Jersey shore.  The message is clear:  We are open and ready for summer!

See you soon 🙂


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