Morning Light…

Good morning Sunday.

Sunrise at 6:30am  (won’t talk about the sunset!)


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Beach Block Condo, Avalon

Great location and value.

3 bedroom, 2 bath beach block condominium convenient to EVERYTHING!

$699,000 fully furnished.  Purchase now and collect 2018 summer rental income.

For more information and interior pictures, click HERE for the MLS link.

Thank you for your interest! 



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Happy Halloween!

Avalon, NJ

Picture taken Halloween 2016.  See the jack o’ lantern face?!


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Peaceful Views

Captured this view Saturday morning before work.

Villa Maria by the Sea glowing in the sunrise.  A beautiful Stone Harbor landmark.

10/30/17  Added a picture from today’s walk of the “little church”- Maris Stella Chapel- a charming Avalon landmark.



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These conversations always make me smile.

Q “Do you stay down all winter?”

A “Yes, we LIVE here.”

Q “All winter?”

A “Yes, we live here year round.”

Q “Wow…what’s it like?”

A “Cold.”

Q “What to you do?”

A “Work, and walk on the beach ;)”

The other version is “But where are you from?”

I grew up in Avalon and my husband is from Wildwood- not the answers they expect!


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Colorful Views

Every day…a different view



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Harvest Festival

harvestrfestReminder – Saturday October 28th

Harvest Festival

96th Street, Stone Harbor

11am to 4pm

Trick or Treat at the local shops along the business district



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2018 Summer Rentals

RentSignAre you ready for next summer?

Tenants are starting to inquire for 2018, and if they search our web site, only those with set rates will return on the search.

Please contact me to discuss rental rates and availability of your shore property.

As a reminder, we are expanding our island coverage with the new Tim Kerr Sotheby’s International Realty office on 96th Street, Stone Harbor!

Two locations to serve owners and tenants:

2821 Dune Drive, Avalon         and         231 96th Street, Stone Harbor


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Shore House Reminders

Our balmy fall days will eventually fade to a blustery, cold winter  🙁

A check list for shore owners:

1) Disconnect the garden hose and turn off/drain any faucets that aren’t frost proof (most faucets on decks are NOT frost proof). Turn off and drain the outside shower (often overlooked and the pipes are the first to freeze and break).

2) Close the foundation vents and secure the crawl space door (the newer Smart vents will close automatically).

3) Secure/store trash cans, deck furniture, kayaks, grills, flags, etc.

4) Unless you completely winterize the house (drain the water), turn on the heat to 55- 60 degrees.  The upper floors can be set slightly lower, but not below 50 degrees.  A whole house water shut off valve is an extra level of protection against frozen pipes in the event of a power failure.

5) Open the cabinet doors below all sinks to allow heated air to circulate around the pipes.

6) Lock all windows (especially casement style that open with a crank handle) and sliding glass doors. Strong winds can vibrate a door or window open!

7) Unplug small appliances.

8) Check the kitchen sink for any random food items left in the garbage disposal – run with ice cubes or a piece of lemon.

9) Empty and turn off the ice maker if you won’t be using the house for an extended period of time.

10) Open the lid on the washer and prop open the door to the dishwasher to avoid musty odors.

And ideally, hire a winter watch service for peace of mind.  I am happy to recommend someone if needed.



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Depending on the time of year, I am walking either before or after the sunrise.

In the early fall, I often have to wait for more day light before heading to the beach.

And although I don’t love leaving the office in the dark, I will appreciate the earlier morning sun once we “fall back” in 2 weeks.


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