Thinking of Florida…

Normally, I’m not one to quote Governor Chris Christie, however his tweet says it best:

“Everyone in NJ understands how Floridians feel tonight. We have sent NJSP, NJ Nat’l Guard & NJ utility men. We stand with you today & always”


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Summer Rental Tips

As the busy summer rental season winds down, this is a good time to review the most common tenant concerns/complaints.

Helpful information for shore property owners as we plan for 2018:

1) Trash – if too few receptacles (trash and recycling) or if the previous tenant fails to put the cans out in time for the scheduled trash days, the new tenants have no room for their garbage.  Options are to hire someone to haul away the excess trash, or purchase additional cans.   Although we mention the specific trash and recycling days to the tenants at check in, a note prominently displayed in the house (and plenty of cans) will help.

2) Grills-  the cleaning crews typically don’t check on the condition of the gas grill.  We rely on the tenant to clean up the grates after use.  Unfortunately, many forget.  Supplying a wire brush helps, along with a posted reminder to empty the drip pan below the grill.  With more property owners converting to a natural gas hook up, swapping out the propane tanks has become less of an issue.  But if you have a propane grill, leave an extra tank on site.

3) Electronics- every house is one wrong button or remote away from television frustration! Step by step instructions and labeled remotes are key.  A renter suggested a list of the TV channels?  “It seems to take me a while to learn where channels are and I forget year to year. ”

4) Beach tags- one of my owners had an excellent solution for beach tags.  He pinned the tags to one or two of the beach chairs they provided for the tenants. This way the tags stayed at the house at the end of the tenant’s week.

5) Cleaning- even with a thorough spring cleaning, properties start to show wear and tear by mid-summer.  Change over cleanings do not include ceiling fans, air conditioning return vents, deck furniture, outside showers, etc.  Worthwhile to arrange a more thorough cleaning by August, or if practical, ride down for one or two of the change overs to handle the extra items.

I am happy to walk through your property and discuss suggested rates and/or improvements.






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Labor Day Weekend Tradition

7milerunlogoSunday, September 3rd-  the annual Tim Kerr Charities 7 Mile Run/5K Run at 8:30am.

Avalon Community Hall

For more information:




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How to Help?

There’s a feeling of helplessness as we watch the horrific flooding in Texas.

After Sandy,  many local organizations mobilized to help – and we felt confident contributing because we were familiar with those charities and groups.

For Harvey, I’m relying on trusted Twitter friends for guidance.

In addition to the Red Cross, the Houston Food Bank  was mentioned by several Houston area residents.

Mail donations to 535 Portal Street, Houston, TX 77029 or donate on line.

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Life along the coast

During my beach walk this morning, I thought about those living along of coast of Texas .

Ironically, Facebook Memories for today show my posts of our family evacuating prior to Hurricane Irene 6 year ago.  It was a mandatory evacuation, and especially stressful occurring during the busy summer season.

Our area was lucky, and we all returned to normal life within a few days.

While thinking about the storms we’ve come to know on a first name basis (Gloria, Hugo, Bob, Irene, Sandy,  and even winter storm Jonas), our hearts are with others in similar (or as with Harvey, much worse) situations.

All beautiful coastal areas have their share of weather related risks.  But I can’t imagine living away from the water…


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Cedar Island Swim, Avalon

Update:  A fun drone video of the 2017 race- click here

Sunday, August 27th is the annual Cedar Island 5K Swim.  The race starts at 12:40pm at the Avalon Yacht Club.  Swimmers head south along the main channel before turning east along the 20th Street waterway, and then north along Ocean Drive and back to the Yacht Club.

Cheer for the swimmers along the way.  I will be in my red kayak as a volunteer (trying to keep up with the swimmers!)

On the following Sunday, September 3rd, the annual Tim Kerr 7 Mile Island Run and 5K Run/Walk  takes place at 8:30am.

For more info:  TK Charities Events



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Tuesday Views…before work

Just another beautiful morning!


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A Sign of Fall

The tips of the marsh grass have already turned from vibrant green to a mellow yellow…


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Hello Saturday…


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The Pressure!

After this weekend, there will be a noticeable change on the island: fewer tenants and summer residents due to college and high school schedules.

It’s darker in the morning…and the sun is setting a bit earlier each evening.  And Labor Day is right around the corner 🙁

Most critical- we realize there’s limited time to visit our favorite seasonal restaurants.  Oh, the burden…

Last night: Fuze Italian in Avalon.  Excellent meal and service (we were obviously there early!)





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