Stone Harbor- Primary Residents

This information was distributed by the Stone Harbor Realty Owners Association– and applies to year round residents (primary home owners) only:
(Stone Harbor, NJ)— The Borough of Stone Harbor, New Jersey will be making an application through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Program for a grant to qualified property owners to elevate their homes.  This is a reimbursement grant; therefore, should funds be made available, the property owner will be responsible for hiring and paying their contractor in full, and for providing a receipt to the Borough of Stone Harbor for reimbursement submission.
The grant may provide 50-75% of the cost to elevate.  The remaining 25-50% cost share, plus any administrative cost born by the Borough must be provided by the property owner.  The Municipal Engineer estimates the average project cost to range from between $50,000 and $110,000.
Should funds be available, properties awarded funds would be required to post an escrow with the Borough of Stone Harbor prior to the commencement of any work to cover administrative costs.Persons interested in being placed on the list may visit the Construction Office located in Stone Harbor Borough Hall at 9501 Second Avenue, Stone Harbor, New Jersey.  They may also call Zoning Official Joanne Mascia at (609) 368-6813.  Please note:  Intent to participate in this program should be made on or before Friday, February 22, 2013.
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Warmer Wind?

A strong south breeze (eventually) bringing warmer air to the island.  In the meantime…WINDY at the beach.


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More Daylight

Nice to see sunlight (or at least the sunset) as I drive ALLLLL the way home at the end of my workday.  Gives me hope for spring.

Yesterday, the storm clouds provided amazing views from both the beach and bay side of the island.


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Need a Beach Day?

Browse through sale listings in Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ    MLS link- click here…and then call or e-mail me with your “wish list”!

I appreciate the opportunity to help with sales or rentals.  or 609-967-7950


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Sunday Sights

A light coating of snow on grassy surfaces…including the dune grass!


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Just Because…


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Recycling Made Easier

As of April 1st, Cape May County will participate in “single stream recycling”.  This will allow property owners and tenants to place ALL of their recycling items together in bins for pick up.

Realistically, rental properties will still need several general recycling bins to hold the items for the weekly pick up.

In Avalon and Stone Harbor, cans are picked up manually.  Therefore, size/weight restrictions for all trash containers remain in place.


Excerpt from an article posted 2/13/13 in The Middle Township Gazette (

STONE HARBOR – The borough is preparing to collect recyclables into one container later this year.

Property owners will receive a four-page brochure that details how recyclable materials can be placed into a single container.

Single-stream recycling begins April 1 in Cape May County.

The materials accepted include plastic containers; tin, steel, and aluminum cans; glass; cardboard; magazines; newspapers and other paper products.

“The goal is to improve the percentage of the waste stream dedicated towards recycling,” reads a statement from the borough. “That effort will also reduce tipping fees paid by the borough.”

A tipping fee is how much the borough pays to take garage to the landfill.

Items that cannot be placed in recycling cans include regular trash, food contaminated boxes, polystyrene packaging, window glass, paint cans, beverage cups and light bulbs. Containers must not be larger than 32 gallons.

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Perks of the Job

As an admitted “house stalker”, my job is a perfect fit.  Today, I was able to preview an INCREDIBLE custom home for sale in Stone Harbor.  Over-sized lot with a main house, plus a 2 bedroom guest house. Large pool with adjacent summer kitchen and fireplace/sitting area. Beautifully decorated, too.  Click here  to see the pictures/details.  And then let me know how many times you say “wow”!  Or, even better…if you know someone looking for a special family home.

Another perk of living/working on the island?  Checking out the ever changing view 🙂



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Feels Like Spring

So nice on the beach this morning.  Bright sun and no wind. Even the ocean felt warm (removed my glove to rinse off a piece of sea glass).


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What’s Selling?

salesignJanuary and February are typically slow months for settlements. We are showing/selling properties, and buyers are making commitments to settle within the next few months (currently, there are 43 properties sale pending in Avalon and Stone Harbor).

During the last 30 days, a total of 14 properties SOLD (settlement); with an overall median selling price of $964,500.

2 of the 14 were commercial spaces; 4 condo/townhouse units; and 8 single family homes.  The median selling price of the single family homes was $1,742,500.

If you would like additional information regarding market values, please let me know   I appreciate your business!

Posted in Avalon, New Jersey- News, Seashore Real Estate, Stone Harbor, New Jersey- News | Comments closed
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